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We bought this diesel on ebay and after opening it we found the rear coupler broken. Took it to our local train store, who is an authorized Lionel service center, and they could not find any replacement parts to order. He said that because the engine is relatively new (from the 2022 Volume 1 Big Book) we should wait and hopefully parts will be available in the future. Any suggestions are appreciated.

METCA Norfolk Southern SD33ECO:

Lionel Support for SD40-2:


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Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yes. Lionel has not listed parts for these yet. That takes time. You can contact them via the customer service number at

They may repair it under warranty, although I believe the ebay seller may need to be an authorized dealer.

I'd definitely let the seller know there's an issue in the outside chance they are a dealer themselves and could exchange it.

I prefer to buy new locomotives directly from reputable dealer. You have more options for resolution. I imagine your "local train store" would have liked to have made the sale.

Outside of that, as harmonyards has already mentioned. A refund is always an option on ebay.

Last edited by RickO

We bought this diesel on ebay

Open a claim on ebay and return it as damaged in transit.

End of story.

The whole pilot needs to be replaced, and since its a custom run, theres not likely to be spare parts for it (i.e. you would end up with a generic pilot that you would have to paint to match). Since its an METCA run, they'd be the only "authorized" dealer to sell it, and unless you bought it on ebay from them, Lionel will probably take issue with it to find a reason to get out of having to warranty it. This is the number for the SD40-2 kinematic pilot, cs-6802282071-p, but you're gonna need to paint it.

Just send it back.

Last edited by Boilermaker1

Thanks for all the replies. We really like this diesel, it's hard to find so we intend to keep it.

A special thanks to @MartyE for showing us the replacement part that we could not locate.

I decided to super glue the broken piece together so the engine can at least be used as a pusher.

Once the replacement part comes, we are going to see if the super glue will hold the weight of a train.

Assuming it doesn't, I will switch out the broken piece with the replacement, once I've painted it to match.



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