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Christmas in July again. I got these at the end of July but just got the time to open up the boxes to see what came. I don't usually do fantasy but i liked the NYC explorer set with add on cars. On a whim I decided to order the super bass B unit in the demonstrater paint. I have a Williams ABBA in that scheme and thought that the Lionel unit would add better sound. I got the three pack of reefers to add to the two 6 pack sets I purchased years ago. Now just waiting for the next package to show up down the 2



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On going saga about the damaged horse - this reply really got me going. I did file a return claim - this was the response. I do have to ship the horse back on his dime. 

railroading10 (bay seller)

Sad you are obviously not a serious modeler if
You can’t take 5 minutes to make a simple repair
It’s a sad commentary on a modeler

Not a modeler , find a new hobby

My reply -  New message to: railroading10
It is also too bad you cannot figure out how to put some cotton in the jewelry box to prevent this item from sliding around. I might have kept this item if the horses ears were not also damaged from sliding around in the box. If you do not care about your buyers then you should not be selling on eBay.

I do not reward eBay sellers for being a bad actor. You made the mistake - own up to it.


I was in industrial sales and other aspects of working with customers for over 40 years. This kind of attitude just baffles me.  This guy will probably glue the leg back on and sell it as new again.

Of course after hearing stories about getting new engines that don't work and no one wants to fix or take back, maybe I should not be surprised. 

Jeff, I take back my comment a couple days ago about your blood pressure; of course at the time I didn't know the horse's ears were damaged also.  Forty years dealing with customers...You are up to the challenge as your response to this bum shows.  I worked 43 years in electronics, and fortunately I didn't have to interface with customers much.   When I did, it was a fact my blood pressure went up.  A late career health checkup at work proved it. 

Richie, your response is priceless!! 

@ScoutingDad posted:

On going saga about the damaged horse - this reply really got me going. I did file a return claim - this was the response. I do have to ship the horse back on his dime.

railroading10 (bay seller)

Sad you are obviously not a serious modeler if
You can’t take 5 minutes to make a simple repair
It’s a sad commentary on a modeler

Not a modeler , find a new hobby

My reply -  New message to: railroading10
It is also too bad you cannot figure out how to put some cotton in the jewelry box to prevent this item from sliding around. I might have kept this item if the horses ears were not also damaged from sliding around in the box. If you do not care about your buyers then you should not be selling on eBay.

I do not reward eBay sellers for being a bad actor. You made the mistake - own up to it.


I was in industrial sales and other aspects of working with customers for over 40 years. This kind of attitude just baffles me.  This guy will probably glue the leg back on and sell it as new again.

Of course after hearing stories about getting new engines that don't work and no one wants to fix or take back, maybe I should not be surprised.


What a looser, this guy is.

IMHO, you were gracious in your response

@mike g. Very nice Menards haul! Always liked that Schneider trailer on flat they did- thanks for the pics! Great Stuff!!

@paul 2  Nice buys! Cool demonstrator B-unit but I really like that NYC Xplorer set, jumped off the page at me when I saw it- Love all the components and the colors. I’m not a big “what if” guy myself,   But it’s a different kind of “What if” than the usual. PLEASE NOTE- for fans of fantasy schemes, not knocking them,  just not my thing....I Think it’s more imaginative- based on a short lived train, good in concept, victim of the times- the NYC’s short-lived Ohio X-plorer had an articulated streamlined passenger consist. My only “gripe” is, while the 21” cars look great, I wish they would’ve used coaches that looked more aerodynamic or more flashy. That said, I think the Baldwin RC-16 looks great and Could  possibly pass for a modern loco despite being 70 years old! Finally- the colors and paint are amazing. I know that it’s based on the original, but the fact it matches so well with the LIRR’s current livery brings it even closer to modern times.

@ScoutingDad posted:

Richie C - great response - I already received 2 more emails from this goof ball and a threat to a counter claim if he doesn't get his broken horsey back.

Hah - I'd probably glue the leg on backwards before returning it and enclose a little note saying that you took his advice; but that's just me.

I don't want to get you banned from the bay.

Last edited by Richie C.

Carl @Pingman, thats a great idea, would take up less space.

@Paul2, that sure is going to be one heck of a nice train with all the add on cars you have to go with it! I am looking forward to seeing it on the layout!

Jeff, I am sorry you have to deal with such a special person! I guess you could always counter claim his counter claim!

Thank @coach Joe, I cant wait to be able to start putting things back up on the layout.

Thanks Steve, the Schneider truck and trailer caught my eye right away, then I see the Schneider building. I might take the truck and trailer off the flat beds and set it up in front of the building.

WellI hope you all have a great day and find some great buys!

Today I visited a train store I'd never been to before and found a few interesting items.  1st up is a nice Dwarf Signal with all the original included items...very nice piece.IMG_3628This Steam Shovel Kit is something that I've never seen before...It's from the early MPC era and it appears to be a Postwar flatcar load in kit form.  If any one has any insight into to it's history please pass it along. Anyone familiar with the Lionel Service Center noted on the label?


And last but not least a postwar car that I've wanted but would never spend the money sellers wanted for it.  This one is in lesser condition(that's why I could afford it) due to rust spots on the metal work and the soiled body.  The body itself is intact,  no cracks, broken pieces or paint chipping. I would like to clean it but I'm hesitant because I've read that the red paint on this particular car can be faded or damaged by washing.  Anyone have any insight on this?

IMG_3624Bought a few more odds & ends and had an enjoyable day in the process.  There being very few train shops in my state, especially with a plentiful Postwar stock;  I don't get much opportunity to browse like that. This shop is about 170 miles from my home.


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Well...,  I did not buy these items.  More treasure from my fathers career with Southern/NS.  I found many brass locks, with keys.  All are marked "SOU  RY".  I have many marked specialty keys too.  Anyone know what the big YALE locks were used on?Southern locks


Bill, is it possible they were used on turnout throw levers?  I seem to recall seeing one with a lock on it long ago.  They could have also been used on CTC power panel doors located at signals.  Speculation is easy but to know, not so much so.  There were surely many areas they wanted to keep people out of.  What was you dad's job with the RR...that could provide some insight.

Well...,  I did not buy these items.  More treasure from my fathers career with Southern/NS.  I found many brass locks, with keys.  All are marked "SOU  RY".  I have many marked specialty keys too.  Anyone know what the big YALE locks were used on?Southern locks


Bill- would they have been used on ground throws to keep them locked? The chains kept them from getting lost on the ground when removed. Are they all keyed the same?

Regarding the lock with the keys attached by chains. Made no sense to me as to why have a lock with a key permanently attached? The ground throw example makes a lot of sense to me. Sounds like an early "Lock Out Tag Out" safety system to me. The attached key allows any crew member to unlock the throw when the operation is completed. On electrical panels we had multiple points to attach locks but each electrician had his own key to ensure the lock was removed only when he was done. Unfinished work kept the panel from being energized.   Of course I do not know in this case - never worked in the industry.


I started my RR career in the signal department of the C & O RR. Those locks look like signal locks for junction boxes and wayside signal bungalows. The skeleton looking keys are for switch stands and the hex key with the extended ears is for a raco junction box lock. The smaller keys may be used for ctc cabinets in dispatch centers or tower control cabinets.



Saw this on eBay recently and I just wanted it. I spent the month of Feberuary in the Netherlands that year and watched a lot of trains. It would have been for sale when I was there and I for sure would have bought a copy then had I seen it at the time (I still have the Dutch model train magazine I bought in Amsterdam).


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I’m backlogged on posting new cool stuff since the end of May when I got the Legacy system which I fell in love with quickly. Basically it’s been four categories of purchases since May: 1.) I wanted to get things that can take advantage of what Legacy offers, 2.) major on changing my Amtrak fleet from 15-16” cars to 18-19” cars as well as  acquiring some Motive power, 3.) some freight purchases, 4.) tinplate.

So I’ll finally start with this post. I’ll try to keep it chronological and keenlike items together

starting with Legacy components:

WiFi Control System, Two Ser 2 , DB-9 cable, rewritable module, two PDI cables(early May from Nick Smith)

have had ups and downs with the WiFi but the SER 2 has seamlessly allowed me to integrate DCS and two TPC’s(and with the included y-cable the original command base) Works Great!


Next up freight:

K-line O scale dieCast DTTX stand-alone Thrall with prototypical classification and measurement decals(Mid May)K-line made the only true o scale 40 foot well car with 40’(10” scale length) containers(Atlas has done this as well). Unfortunately, the majority of their gundersons/thralls have a 48’ on the side, which isn’t a correct representation of the well. Hence, I was excited when I was finally able to land this  TTX Thrall with the 40’ symbol(a panel of to the right of the TTX symbol)E9C70992-803D-49FE-B1C9-A5593AB8E3EB

Also, something cool that came with this Thrall- a detailed instruction book with decals to change a 40’ Unit to a 48’, decals to make the 40’ more prototypical, and decals for there Spine sets. Pic below:


K-Line O scale 13.5” diecast Conrail gondola in Penn Central Livery with both RR’s abbreviations(Mid July)I thought this was really cool as it has both PC and CR, unfortunately, previous owner used permanent marker to black out the CR, did my best to wash it off without ruing the white CR letters


Last but certainly not least, my first big purchase in the changing of my Amtrak fleet....

Lionel O gauge Amtrak Cab End(Control) Car(6-35454)- End of May


Lengthwise shot- I got this for cheaper than the going rate as the box was missing and there was a small nick on the top that a cleaned up. Unfortunately, it was packaged very poorly-in a cardboard box was about an inch longer, wider, and taller than the car Wrapped in bubble wrap. I couldn’t believe it- hence it arrived with the strobe bar in the back broken. I emailed the seller and after some snide comments he refunded the shipping. Have had to reattach 3 Times since then- but I still love it!

That wonderful back end4186F3F4-EA5B-4E92-96AF-B9C7FE094AF3

Jope you enjoy- more to come!



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Tontee, the steam shovel was one of two flatcar loads, originally sold between 1960 and 1963. They were both P&H prototypes. Besides the steam shovel, there was a P&H crane. In addition to the flat cars, both kits came in a P&H box, and a small booklet telling about the prototypes. This is info from Greenberg’s Guide to Lionel Trains, 1945 to 1969, vol.1.

@Artie-DL&W posted:

Tontee, the steam shovel was one of two flatcar loads, originally sold between 1960 and 1963. They were both P&H prototypes. Besides the steam shovel, there was a P&H crane. In addition to the flat cars, both kits came in a P&H box, and a small booklet telling about the prototypes. This is info from Greenberg’s Guide to Lionel Trains, 1945 to 1969, vol.1.

Thanks Artie..I thought that it might be early 60's vintage but what is confusing is that the box is labeled as an MPC release.  Probably left over stock they were liquidating.

Tom, I think MPC re-released them, as did later owners of Lionel. I also liked the Allis—Chalmers bulldozer and road grader on flatcars. My favorite is the operating sub, of which I had an original, and later acquired a U.S. Navy version, as my son-in-law is a Navy Senior Chief. I still need to try it in the bathtub, though!😄

@Artie-DL&W posted:

Tom, I think MPC re-released them, as did later owners of Lionel. I also liked the Allis—Chalmers bulldozer and road grader on flatcars. My favorite is the operating sub, of which I had an original, and later acquired a U.S. Navy version, as my son-in-law is a Navy Senior Chief. I still need to try it in the bathtub, though!😄

Artie you're correct.  I checked in my Greenberg's Guide;  1970-1991 Volume 1 and it was issued in 1976-77 & 1980 with the 9158 Penn Central Flatcar.  Type (A) was flatcar only; (B) w/steam shovel with black treads, (C) with gray treads, (D)with steam shovel kit, unbuilt with black treads, and (E) unbuilt kit with gray treads.  The guides comments that it's hard to find with the steam shovel kit intact.  However, the kit in question has Service Station labeling so I suspect it may have been a replacement kit.  There is no listing for a 9158-101 in any of the MPC era guides or mid 70's catalogs on hand here.  

P.S.  Let us know how the sub works out in the tub.

Been doing a lot of buying lately.

First is a Lionel ATSF F3 B unit to go behind my Menards F7. Bought it here on the forum.

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Next up are some detail parts and decals for the track cleaning car I am building

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The pot belly stove will go into an old caboose that I'm using for a yard office.

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Finally I picked up GRJ's isolated track relay. I am replacing a 12v ice-cube relay that chatters when lighter cars are on the block. The only noise I want ice cubes to make is when they clink on the side of my glass of scotch.

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Now to find the time to build everything.



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My AEC "Glow in the Dark" train is growing (received these recently):

AEC Glow-In-The-Dark Tank Car (6-26102):


And this one at the same time: AEC Glow-In-The-Dark Boxcar (6-26215):


Going to be added to these already purchased "Glow in the "Dark":

AEC Security Caboose (6-36718):


And finally this one (is not "Glow in the Dark", but will make a good addition to the above cars) - DODX LOTS 2009 Radioactive Waste Flatcar w/Radioactive Containers (6-52552):



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