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I picked up a Lionel Legacy SD70Ace a while ago at the Lionel Warehouse sale.  I had been after this one for a while but could never find one for less than $1500, snapped this one up as soon as I saw it.  I'm finally getting to run it now that I have solved some clearance issues by upgrading to O48 curves.  Gorgeous engine with great sounds!  It is so loud I have to turn it down or it drowns out the rest of my engines on the table.

Haha 😂. You know how to put things into preceptive Paul. That's exactly how I imagined this line up. Being a Browns fan that's pretty much what you have to do to stay sane. Eat, drink, clean up after yourself , and sleep it off until next year.

As a legally qualified long suffering Met fan, I feel your pain, Donnie. Unfortunately, they haven’t made any Irish Whiskey reefers I come from a long line of Brooklyn Dodger fans who coined the phrase - and you have to yell this in your best angry/anguished voice -  “wait till next year”.

Great purchase @ArtsModelTrains, nice diesel, I had one ordered at the early order price when they came out, however I let a good friend buy mine. I just couldn’t get that one past my wife, so, I do have the other presidential diesels. I did receive my B&O Lionel 18 inch aluminum StationSounds diner snd it works great. Happy Railroading Everyone F3E518B2-9C64-4635-BA0D-D103AD3C9A46DAFF4F12-ADB4-43A9-8A43-DC1B80F9488105F43309-A3DC-458A-8A52-181AF2ABD04AE196947C-0870-4634-B232-C77B3DD2D6FA965DF62C-9546-47BA-8CDA-5F6ADD35F445224BF520-38CD-4730-9867-F30AB3C0AE2D72B79727-740E-4553-95BD-BB1B09A1F35C8AFC388A-66E9-4EBF-9CBA-18F397E21693


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May not be lately, but over the past yr, these are some of the postwars I acquired and reconditioned.

11, 1656 switchers w/bell ringing tenders. I now have 14 of these 1656 switchers.

14 extra tenders,

2,  682 turbines, one I cannibalized from parts to make it correct w/correct tenders.

1, early 2020 turbine

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@Apples55 posted:

As a legally qualified long suffering Met fan, I feel your pain, Donnie. Unfortunately, they haven’t made any Irish Whiskey reefers I come from a long line of Brooklyn Dodger fans who coined the phrase - and you have to yell this in your best angry/anguished voice -  “wait till next year”.


I'm with you Paul. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

That's why I play with trains...🤣🤣


@RSJB18 posted:


I'm with you Paul. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

That's why I play with trains...🤣🤣


Ahhh… the memories, Bob. 1986 was the first year my family had a Saturday plan to Shea. In the World Series, we had tix for 2 games - one of which was the 7th. The 6th game was Saturday night and we were transfixed watching the game, but I had to go out and pick up the Sunday early editions of The NY Times and Daily News (remember those days???). Things were going badly as the game dragged on, so I finally decided to make a run between innings - ran to the car, turned on the radio, and tried to pay attention to my driving. As I passed the “old man’s bar” on the corner of Ave. M and Coney Island Ave, there were a bunch of people standing outside, looking in the window to see the game on TV. When I got to the train station at Ave. M where the paper stand was (remember those???), there were a ton of people standing outside the nearby bagel store which had a TV - one person would go inside, check the game and come out and tell everyone the latest (between the paper stand and the bagel store was… TrainWorld!!!). Luckily I got home in time to see Mookie’s hit. Our seats for Game 7 were so high up and so far out in the upper deck, I finally saw the legendary water near Shea and you had a better chance of getting a beer from a flight attendant on the next plane over than you did of a vendor finding our seats Had that plan for over 30 years until the 10-game magically morphed into a 20 game plan As the song says… those were the days my friend.

@PRR8976 posted:

All of us Met fans need some train therapy after this year.


Not me, Tom… I jokingly say I’m a legally qualified, long suffering Met Fan - as kids, Mom & Dad took my brother and I to several Met games that they played at the old Polo Grounds (if nothing else, a good, long subway ride from Flatbush in Brooklyn!!!). Usually, they don’t string us along into the playoffs… they have enough consideration to the fans to fold early so we don’t get our hopes up. This year was a bit of a stretch, but as my Brooklyn (Trolley) Dodger parents would say, “wait till next year”

@Apples55 posted:

Ahhh… the memories, Bob. 1986 was the first year my family had a Saturday plan to Shea. In the World Series, we had tix for 2 games - one of which was the 7th. The 6th game was Saturday night and we were transfixed watching the game, but I had to go out and pick up the Sunday early editions of The NY Times and Daily News (remember those days???). Things were going badly as the game dragged on, so I finally decided to make a run between innings - ran to the car, turned on the radio, and tried to pay attention to my driving. As I passed the “old man’s bar” on the corner of Ave. M and Coney Island Ave, there were a bunch of people standing outside, looking in the window to see the game on TV. When I got to the train station at Ave. M where the paper stand was (remember those???), there were a ton of people standing outside the nearby bagel store which had a TV - one person would go inside, check the game and come out and tell everyone the latest (between the paper stand and the bagel store was… TrainWorld!!!). Luckily I got home in time to see Mookie’s hit. Our seats for Game 7 were so high up and so far out in the upper deck, I finally saw the legendary water near Shea and you had a better chance of getting a beer from a flight attendant on the next plane over than you did of a vendor finding our seats Had that plan for over 30 years until the 10-game magically morphed into a 20 game plan As the song says… those were the days my friend.

I was at my future wife's house the night of game 6. We had plans to go out after the game. Her father and I were watching and were both ready to turn the TV off when the come back began. One of the greatest games in WS history IMHO. The Mets Astros marathon in the LCS ranks up there too.

I had a Daily News route....those Sunday papers weighed a ton!

"Meet the Mets" 🤣🤣

@Richizzle07 posted:

Last week I received this custom patriotic M&Ms boxcar. I missed out on a similar one over the summer so ......................                                                                        ( I contacted the eBay seller and they kindly made me another one. )

Nice to know there are real people out there Rich.

@trestleking posted:

I blew the rest of my 2022 freight car budget & bought these 2 like-new Atlas EL 50’ boxcars.  Now I just need to get busy & build a layout to run them on !

Rich in SD

Those are very nice Rich. Atlas makes a nice 50-footer just be careful of the stirrup steps, they break even easier than Weavers. I've gotten very good at repairing the LOL.

@Apples55 posted:

Nice haul, Corey, but really… a 1 train on the Brighton line - have they changed the routes THAT much since I moved to the Poconos???

Thanks! It’s because the MTA only bought one order of these cars. They were supposed to be for the second ave project. They ran on all different lines before they stopped using them. So no routes didn’t change that much.

@Richizzle07 posted:

Great additions to your collections everyone!!

Last week I received this custom patriotic M&Ms boxcar. I missed out on a similar one over the summer so I contacted the eBay seller and they kindly made me another one.5BB0F4C8-A46E-45ED-A0FB-92FD06D8404B

That M&M's billboard looks like it was sprayed on using some sort of photo process.  Very nice job and very cool car -- love the hats they're wearing -- most worthy of posting here.  I met a lady from Minnesota a few years ago at a train show and she did the same sort of photo process thing, but I lost her card.  Would you mind sharing the contact of the seller?


Last edited by IRON HORSE

Nice hauls, Cory. Don’t you love the detailing on those Nathan’s boxcars? So glad I was able to get them when they came out. You’re also doing a great job picking up the best subways for your collection.

Yes the details are nice. I originally ordered one but when I went to trainland to pick it up, I ended up buying the other one! Thanks for the compliment about the subway sets. There will be more videos soon.

Picked up this Maine Central box car in green livery at the NE Train Expo in Marlborough, Mass this past weekend. I have a lot of MC rolling stock in yellow/orange colors, but this is the first in green.

Interestingly, there are no markings on the car to indicate who is the manufacturer. It's very well done and comes with plastic thumbtack couplers. Its larger than Lionel/traditional; I'd say semi-scale.

My Lionel BTO UP F 3 AA set just arrived at my dealer, so I'll be posting a review on that in the near future.



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@RSJB18 posted:

Got bitten by the Menards bug again...... They ran the free lighted truck promo so I picked up a PRR gondola to go with the

'48 Ford panel truck.

THEN....... Found this MTH SW-1 w/ PS2 on the FS forum. I've been wanting a SW-1 for a long time. This one seemed to fall in my lap. Fits in perfectly with the N/E roads that I run.


Great looking SW-1 Bob.

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