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PRRronbh posted:
Matt Makens posted:

PRRRONBH, Just download any PS3 manual, they are all the same. Most peopel dont read the manuals. I opened one for the first time if 4 years the other day to learn how to program the DCC decoder for consists but other than that, not necessary for me.

Matt, they are NOT all the "same."  Where are the function switches and pots for the BL2?  Is there a preferred exhaust port to load smoke fluid?

Since of my 130 O-Gauge power units 92 are MTH (only a dozen are RK) I do know my way around MTH stuff.  So found the function switches/pots.  But still do NOT know if there is a preferred stack to load the fluid.   The BIG point is a $500.00 engine and a CHEAP generic "quick start manual."

If one was a newbie to MTH engines?

Best way to solve this problem is to send the generic manual with a link for a more detailed engine.
Once your on the manual site there be online manuals by engine part numbers.

RonH posted:
PRRronbh posted:
Matt Makens posted:

PRRRONBH, Just download any PS3 manual, they are all the same. Most peopel dont read the manuals. I opened one for the first time if 4 years the other day to learn how to program the DCC decoder for consists but other than that, not necessary for me.

Matt, they are NOT all the "same."  Where are the function switches and pots for the BL2?  Is there a preferred exhaust port to load smoke fluid?

Since of my 130 O-Gauge power units 92 are MTH (only a dozen are RK) I do know my way around MTH stuff.  So found the function switches/pots.  But still do NOT know if there is a preferred stack to load the fluid.   The BIG point is a $500.00 engine and a CHEAP generic "quick start manual."

If one was a newbie to MTH engines?

Best way to solve this problem is to send the generic manual with a link for a more detailed engine.
Once your on the manual site there be online manuals by engine part numbers.

Not there!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Bob,  I think they were a mix and match.  The set box had 7003 stamped on the side of it which I've seen as an uncataloged set with those cars and various engine's sometimes a later 258 and others a 1688 but never the larger O gauge 265E.  This one seems to be a 1940 version based on the trucks and coupler on the tender and so it could have come in the 1940 135E set with a 2654, 2652, and 2657.  I've posed it with those cars here.  It did end up being very clean although the shipper allowed some loose track clips in the package and one of them got wedged between the steam chest and the box causing some "new" scratches.  Minor, but this engine was so clean it is noticeable to me.  I'll live though!  I probably paid a little more than I wanted, but on the other hand a paid less than half what a new MTH version would cost and I'll take a nice original every day of the week.




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Matt Makens posted:

Is this a search for a solution or an opportunity to be difficult and complain about things you have no control over?

The solution is for MTH to do the correct thing.  To start with they need a Quality ASSURANCE Manager, NOT a Quality Control Manager.  

After my contact with them earlier this week they shall have up dated their website to include the full manual which is in fact reference  in the cheap quickie manual.

As stated when I contacted Lionel about their site not have a downloadable manual they responded and corrected within 24-hours.

Jushavnfun posted:

I found these on EBay.  I had loads of fun with them 50 years ago.  I'm going to use them for a steel mill I'm building 20170707_145047

Great find! I had the set on the left as a kid. Turns out I still have it!! My Mom has it in a basement storage room...but not for long!! 

I plan on spray painting the blue beams a rust color so I can stage a new sky scraper building scene. 

Bought this

Chain Link and Screen

On the left is fine mesh tulle for the screening on a cooling tower model I'm building and on the right is bigger mesh to make over 10' feet of chain link fence for the refinery in which the cooling tower is going. It was the single least expensive model RR purchase I've ever made: $0.70. Yes! That's right! 70 cents at Jo-Ann Fabrics.


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Wow it took me long enough to play catch up. Some pretty cool stuff bought. The real eye catchers were the Lionel Hiawatha and Matts Daylight cars. Both are really nice.   For me,  nothing as cool.  Received my CB&Q NE-1 Waycar and two Santa Fe cabs the were repurposed by Jim Seacrest from Stout Actions..  Ok cool for me.


In case you were wondering yes here is the real CB&Q#14268 which is why I had bid on that lot.

 CBQ 14268


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Last edited by suzukovich
Mark Boyce posted:
suzukovich posted:
coach joe posted:

I picked up thisIMG_0790IMG_0791and added a cook and a driver to 

Definitely different take on fast food.  

Ha, ha!  I like it!

Funny as it seams, when I was deployed to Afghanistan, Camp Phoenix( My Compound was next to Phoenix) had a Taco Bell and a Subway trailer out side the temporary PX, and the NATO Base at Kabul International Airport(KIA) had a Pizza Hut truck.. 

suzukovich posted:

Wow it took me long enough to play catch up. Some pretty cool stuff bought. The real eye catchers were the Lionel Hiawatha and Matts Daylight cars. Both are really nice.   For me,  nothing as cool.  Received my CB&Q NE-1 Waycar and two Santa Fe cabs the were repurposed by Jim Seacrest from Stout Actions..  Ok cool for me.


In case you were wondering yes here is the real CB&Q#14268 which is why I had bid on that lot.

 CBQ 14268

That was an excellent pickup for you Doug!

I collect things with the character of Sarge from the Cars movies. They just came out with this, I've only ever seen them on eBay for quite a bit of money. I have no idea why, but after I got my oil changed yesterday I went to the nearby Toys R Us. I felt some strange disturbance in the force or something. Anyway, they only had one of these there.
Got it for retail instead of the huge markup for all the places I've seen it online.

They said they'd just put it out less than an hour ago and assumed it'd be gone that day. Total luck.



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Got another project on the way.  It's a complete set, the engine wheels were toast.  These are a couple of auction pictures of a the engine shell and a couple of the cars, I'll post some better ones once I get it and put the engine back together.  I'm looking forward to it though, it looks fairly clean and should look pretty gone once fixed up.

red 264Ered 603 earlyred 604 early


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  • red 264E
  • red 603 early
  • red 604 early
p51 posted:

I collect things with the character of Sarge from the Cars movies. They just came out with this, I've only ever seen them on eBay for quite a bit of money. I have no idea why, but after I got my oil changed yesterday I went to the nearby Toys R Us. I felt some strange disturbance in the force or something. Anyway, they only had one of these there.
Got it for retail instead of the huge markup for all the places I've seen it online.

They said they'd just put it out less than an hour ago and assumed it'd be gone that day. Total luck.


Hi Lee, its always nice to find something you have been looking for! Plus sometimes its better to be LUCKY than good!

IMG_5071IMG_5072Unexpectedly picked up this near new 1950 #1467W set today. Cars have never been out of the boxes (until now!). Engine has seen hardly any run time. Perfect. Got all the boxes for everything, transformer, even the original 1950 catalog. 

The cars are still had their factory inspection/quality control inspection tags on them!



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mike g. posted:
p51 posted:


Hi Lee, its always nice to find something you have been looking for! Plus sometimes its better to be LUCKY than good!


If I'd been an hour or two later, I'm sure I'd have missed out, as it'd been out for less than 10 minutes when I came in and saw it there.

The problem is, I have one shelf on my bookshelf in the layout room devoted to my Sarge collection, and there's no room for this with the rest of the stuff there. I could put it there, but a lot of Sarges would have to go into boxes.

These showed up today.  It is a 1935 version with thick nickel rim drivers and all the other 1935 specific details. In the past I had picked up two complete sets to restore (both had already been repainted once) and more recently I landed a rough but original set of the 1936 Red Comet cars with the red belly pans.  I was really surprised by how clean this most recent set is  I'll deal with the wheels and make every attempt to use thick nickel rim wheels.  It's kind of funny that lately, I've made a real effort to choose nicer original stuff versus stuff to restore.  I have been surprised by how seemingly easy it is too, it's more of change in outlook and direction than anything I guess.  Anyway sorry for the babble, here are a few pics of the set.




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This 1939 version of the Gunmetal 265E also showed up today.  The motor runs so silky smooth it's incredible.  The engine is not perfect, I think it actually took a header on the nose as it is/was slightly pushed in.  I still need to work on that part a bit.  The diecast wheels are perfect on this one as is the cab.  It's not quite as nice as the 1940 version 265E I also recently picked up but it will stay I think.  You can see them both in the second pic, the nicer one is to the rear.  You can kind of see what I mean about the newest one having a tweeked nose.  We can get her fixed up though!



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