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Picked these items up over the last week from ebay or the LHS:

Postwar Lionel U.S. Army Transportation CORPS #41 Gas turbine switcher. Had been sitting in my LHS for AWHILE but I had assumed it had gotten some maintenance. Went to run it, and it was making A LOT more noise than expected(I heard these were loud-  but didn't sound right). Opened it up- Possibly the dirtiest motor box I've ever cleaned- the black grime was unbelievable. Gave it a thorough cleaning and now it runs great and sounds fine!

Lionel US Army Transportation Corps 41

MTH RealTrax Lockon, 2 lights to put in different structures, and a BCR to install in my Protosound Amtrak AEM-7. Also picked up quite a few pieces of realtrax as I'm thinking of using that on my layout.

Mth Track lock on, BCR, Lights for Pville

Corgi Tactical Strike USMC Infantry Set. 1:64th scale. Smaller than expected but will look nice on the more toy portion of my layour

Corgi Tactical Strike USMC 1 64th scale in box


Out of box Corgi figures. On the left is an o-line reproductions 1:48/o-scale figure to compare size different

Corgi Tactical Strike USMC 1 64 Scale figures

2 new modern era rolling stock pieces and a postwar small motorized switcher- the later of which I've wanted for awhile

3 new cars engine

Green LV 16258 Boxcar from mid 90s. Will look nice on my LV consist

LV Green Boxcar 16528

CNW work caboose- was only 5 bucks. Thought it looked pretty cool

Lionel CNW Work Caboose



O-line Reproduction soldier hitching a ride on the side of the switcher

Lionel 41 Switcher With O Scale Repro Figure

After I saw that the Corgi figures were smaller than expected, I thought I'd make a line-up of figures on different parts of my layout. Trying to keep the size of figures consistent on the more scale portioned part of my layout so between the bride unknown maker of the US army soldier. Smallest on the left to the largest on the right:

Plastic Ertl County Fair playset figure, Plastic/Rubber Corgi 1:64th scale soldier, Diecasr American Flyer postwar bride, Diescast Worker(labeled Union of South Africa on bottom), Plastic Classic Plasticville 1960s man-walking, Plastic Model Power "o-27/o-31" woman walking with flowers, Diecast American Flyer figure from set Figure 578, Plastic O-line Reproductions Station Figure, Plastic Model Power o-27,o-31 figure from "Poor People" set, Plastic K-line O-Scale SWAT team figure, Plastic O-Line Reproductions O-Scale Soldier, Diecast Johilco Train station figure, Diecast Johilco "Hobo", Lemax boy with accordion, Rubber Homie, Diecast Army Soldier(unknown make) , Diecast WB Britains Royal Scots Guard, Diecast Lincoln Logs Figure, Die-cast Barclay Standard Gauge figure from Lionel Set, Auburn Rubber Trains(NOT AMT/AUBURN) figure

Figure Comparrison


Images (9)
  • Mth Track lock on, BCR, Lights for Pville
  • Corgi Tactical Strike USMC 1 64th scale in box
  • Corgi Tactical Strike USMC 1 64 Scale figures
  • 3 new cars engine
  • LV Green Boxcar 16528
  • Lionel CNW Work Caboose
  • Lionel US Army Transportation Corps 41
  • Lionel 41 Switcher With O Scale Repro Figure
  • Figure Comparrison
Last edited by StevefromPA
StevefromPA posted:

Picked these items up over the last week from ebay or the LHS:

2 new modern era rolling stock pieces and a postwar small motorized switcher- the later of which I've wanted for awhile

3 new cars engine

Green LV 16258 Boxcar from mid 90s. Will look nice on my LV consist

LV Green Boxcar 16528



I've been thinking I need to get me a Lehigh Valley consist.  What does your consist consist of (engine and freight)? 

Not a lot of options in motive power I've seen.


Kirk R posted:
StevefromPA posted:

Picked these items up over the last week from ebay or the LHS:

2 new modern era rolling stock pieces and a postwar small motorized switcher- the later of which I've wanted for awhile

3 new cars engine

Green LV 16258 Boxcar from mid 90s. Will look nice on my LV consist

LV Green Boxcar 16528



I've been thinking I need to get me a Lehigh Valley consist.  What does your consist consist of (engine and freight)? 

Not a lot of options in motive power I've seen.


Train Layout 2 1 19

My LV layout is separate from the larger, main part of my layout. Since I'm from the Valley, and a lot of what I inherited from my grandparents or dad were more toy like- it's more sentimental so it has more of the plasticville etc.. When I get home I'll try to get a better picture for you

Anyway, the address your question, my LV consist is usually(in this order):

-RMT LV #41 Budd RDC(the LV RR did have 2 RDCs, although the LV 40 was a BUDD RDC 1, while the 41 was a Budd RDC 4) ....Marx Hopper 21429 LV hopper, yellow lettering w/ MTH trucks .....Lionel Maroon Postwar LV Hopper(1479WS Set)....Lionel Black LV postwar hopper.... 2 RMT Bethlehem Steel Ore Cars(Steelton & Johnstown plants, wish I had a Bethlehem Plant) ....Lionel MPC Era #9788 White "Insulated" box car...Lionel Kughn era 16258 Green box car....Lionel gray LV postwar Hopper...Lionel red LV postwar hopper.... Sometimes I'll lead it with a 627 Postwar 44-ton Switcher(the first engine I bought on my own). 

In terms of motive power(by no means exhaustive):

Lionel: Postwar 627 & 625( many knock the pulling abilities of the Postwar 44 ton switcher but there's an easy trick to make it run better), ALCO S-2 Switcher, GP9, RS-3, ALCO PA

K-Line:  ALCO S-2 switcher(I'm a big fan of the K-line S-2s), GP38, RS2

MTH:  S-1 switcher, SW-1 switcher, RS-3, GP9, C-628, ALCO PA A-Unit

Weaver: C-635 is a beaut if you can find one

Williams: F3 AA, Berkshire 40503, 44 ton switcher(appropriate size), FA-1

There's more out there that I can't think of off the top of my head.

Here's 2 links with a list of the diesels that the LV RR had and info. 2nd link has pictures:

Also, I might throw in a some PRR rolling stock on occasion, but otherwise, I stick to the above. Mixing Bethlehem Steel in with an LV consist isn't that sacrilegious considering the Steel was the backbone of the Lehigh Valley. Same with PP&L as the PP&L building in Allentown is the largest building.

There's an MTH LV Tanker I've had my eyes on at my LHS, along with some other rolling stock: LV Reefers by Lionel, 2 PP&L gondolas(Lionel & K-line) and a generator car(Lionel), some LV Cabooses(that's the main need of my consist). There's plenty out there for LV rolling stock


Images (1)
  • Train Layout December 2018
Last edited by StevefromPA

You guys are missing one of the all time greats in Lionel pulling power. The LV Fairbanks Morse Trainmasters. No running on 0-27 for those puppies, but they ain't scared of nothin' either. "Stump-puller" was coined just for them  

(nice Steve. & fyi G-mail had fits with photos last try. It even ate a few, lost to the data gods now,AND deleted by the stupid G-apps, even on my backup device, not even synced.  Give me a couple of days for them to remove their heads from their ...well, you know )

Gotcha @Adriatic - I'm still trying to process those! Email coming your way shortly.

For @Kirk R , here are those pictures of the LV portion of my layout:

First up- the Buddy leads. While I could put a more appropriate trolleyin the middle(LV had a large trolley service)- I chose this tin friction that fits on Flyer track if you position it just right

LV Consist Buddy Lead

627 Switcher leads the consist. The crammed atmosphere of the Plasticville and the somewhat mismatched structures were common in towns outside of ABE, and even within ABE.

Lv consist NW end

Shot from the West End of the layout. The Kent Cigarette pack on the hospital billboard is a tribute to my grandfater.

LV Consist West End

Shot from the East End. The truck to the left of the bank is a  "Two Guys" trucks, a big 5 and dime store in the Valley.

Rename LV Consist East End




Images (4)
  • LV Consist Buddy Lead
  • Lv consist NW end
  • LV Consist West End
  • Rename LV Consist East End
RSJB18 posted:

Just can't stay away from the auction sites.....gotta find me a hobby.......oh....wait......

It's a Williams by Bachman, PRR NW-2


One of my favorite switchers and favorite road name. Who could ask for more?



You may want to consider basket weaving...

Also love anything Pennsy... really prefer big steam, but there’s something about small switchers.

Apples55 posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Just can't stay away from the auction sites.....gotta find me a hobby.......oh....wait......

It's a Williams by Bachman, PRR NW-2


One of my favorite switchers and favorite road name. Who could ask for more?



You may want to consider basket weaving...

Also love anything Pennsy... really prefer big steam, but there’s something about small switchers.

Same here Paul. In my HO days my Rivarossi Y6-b was my favorite. Not even close to being able to run one of them in O.

2014-12-29 16.20.40


Images (1)
  • 2014-12-29 16.20.40
RSJB18 posted:
Apples55 posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Just can't stay away from the auction sites.....gotta find me a hobby.......oh....wait......

It's a Williams by Bachman, PRR NW-2

One of my favorite switchers and favorite road name. Who could ask for more?


You may want to consider basket weaving...

Also love anything Pennsy... really prefer big steam, but there’s something about small switchers.

Same here Paul. In my HO days my Rivarossi Y6-b was my favorite. Not even close to being able to run one of them in O.

2014-12-29 16.20.40

Gorgeous engine Bob, buy HO??? HERESY    

Apples55 posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Apples55 posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Just can't stay away from the auction sites.....gotta find me a hobby.......oh....wait......

It's a Williams by Bachman, PRR NW-2

One of my favorite switchers and favorite road name. Who could ask for more?


You may want to consider basket weaving...

Also love anything Pennsy... really prefer big steam, but there’s something about small switchers.

Same here Paul. In my HO days my Rivarossi Y6-b was my favorite. Not even close to being able to run one of them in O.

2014-12-29 16.20.40

Gorgeous engine Bob, buy HO??? HERESY    

Yea- As a kid of the 60's my dad started me in HO. I probably have twice as much HO stuff as O.

HMMMM.......did someone say build TWO layouts

Technically I did start with Lionel Trains. My first set was a Lionel HO ATSF ALCO AB streamliner set. Very nice set with aluminum bodies, worm drive on the loco too.

I purchased a Lionel Legacy DT&I crane and boom car from Grzyboski's at a train show back in February.  None of my locomotives really fit the period very well and I've been wanting a nice switcher to shove it around with for demo purposes on the club layout.  I've read good things about the Lionel Legacy NW2's and finally broke down and bought a UP one last night.  Initially I planned to repaint it into the DT&I orange scheme, but I do sort of like the UP scheme and may keep it as is.  I'm looking forward to receiving it and giving it a run.



Images (1)
  • fullsizeoutput_10c4

My next victim - for a repaint that is. I scored this NYC GP30 new ,un-run in the box for cheap.  NYC 2192 will become Penn Central 2192. The real life loco kept it's NYC number while in PC so I don't have to renumber it.  It's already 95% black so very little painting is required. Mostly I'll replace the NYC name & logos with PC decals.

NYC GP30_20190412_182733752

This is 2191 and what I'll use as my guide.  Photo from

PC GP30 2191 img749

I already have another GP30 dummy unit that will become a PC unit too.

I love me some GP30's.



Images (2)
  • NYC GP30_20190412_182733752
  • PC GP30 2191 img749
SantaFe158 posted:

I purchased a Lionel Legacy DT&I crane and boom car from Grzyboski's at a train show back in February.  None of my locomotives really fit the period very well and I've been wanting a nice switcher to shove it around with for demo purposes on the club layout.  I've read good things about the Lionel Legacy NW2's and finally broke down and bought a UP one last night.  Initially I planned to repaint it into the DT&I orange scheme, but I do sort of like the UP scheme and may keep it as is.  I'm looking forward to receiving it and giving it a run.

I received my NW2 on Monday.  It was in a little rougher cosmetic condition than I was expecting but the seller made good on that.  I have a new set of shells coming for my planned repaint.  I think the smoke unit under the original hood got a little too warm as there is a slight deformation like a melt mark on the top of the hood.  Other than that it runs and looks great from a few feet away.  The sounds are very nice as well.

My only gripes are that for a Legacy engine they seem to have dumbed down some of the lighting features.  The LED's in the headlights are very harsh "cool white" LED's that have way too much of a blue hue.  On top of that, there's apparently no "rule 17" lighting in these.  Not a deal breaker by any means, but a little disappointing considering the selling price of these.  

Last edited by SantaFe158
Vincent Massi posted:

Mike, that is one beautiful diesel!

Thank you, sir.  Obviously, I agree.  I only buy roadnames that were in my area.  Frisco, MKT, and the Texas Special all have St. Louis ties so it’s a home run for me.  I bought seven of the Lionel 21” Texas Special cars from him as well (6+station sounds diner) so the battle station is complete!

Last edited by MikeH
leapinlarry posted:

Bob, Neat Beeps, very colorful, Trumptrain, really nice Shay, MIKEH, very nice Texas Special, just wondering if it has Command Control? I have the Lionel Legacy Texas Special....Congratulations to everyone that has purchased a few nice train items lately...75797F2B-70FE-4B6A-A186-FF62FEB77010

Larry, I’m going to start looking for one of those now!  Very cool.  Yes, the 3rd Rail version is TMCC.

I made a really big purchase last week on Friday. Mario's trains had a 8% discount on all their items and I decided purchasing the item in question would be the best deal. It's arriving next week, I can't wait to see it and test it out. It's the first; and most likely only; kind of model I will ever own. You'll have to wait and see what it is, but here are a few hints as to what I bought:

Engine was rebuilt in the mid 1900s; it's was owned by a fallen Flag railroad, that was bought up by Norfolk Southern in the past; and it's an engine that is currently on display at a train museum in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Last edited by MichaelB

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