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NS1975 posted:

I got one of the new Lionel Norfolk Southern SD70ACE #1030 a month or so ago, and I really wanted a Lionel NS Heritage unit to accompany it. As luck would have it, I IMG_20190512_175914found a Reading #1067 SD70ACE and it is a beautiful engine. 

Oh no, not the Lionel engine with the worlds worst sounding horn. XD #RIPears

Awesome scheme, but terrible horn sound. I wish they instead used the horn sound from the Fantasy NS Heritage schemes (The NS Heritage and PRR Heritage from 2009).

Last edited by MichaelB
MichaelB posted:
NS1975 posted:

I got one of the new Lionel Norfolk Southern SD70ACE #1030 a month or so ago, and I really wanted a Lionel NS Heritage unit to accompany it. As luck would have it, I IMG_20190512_175914found a Reading #1067 SD70ACE and it is a beautiful engine. 

Oh no, not the Lionel engine with the worlds worst sounding horn. XD #RIPears

Awesome scheme, but terrible horn sound. I wish they instead used the horn sound from the Fantasy NS Heritage schemes (The NS Heritage and PRR Heritage from 2009).

Well, I think it sounds fine. To each his own. It is nice to have something different from the same horn in the new models. I haven't heard the particular years models you were referencing.

NS1975 posted:

Well, I think it sounds fine. To each his own. It is nice to have something different from the same horn in the new models. I haven't heard the particular years models you were referencing.

I don't mind if you like it, since it's your engine. The SD70ACe horn sound I was referring to was this one. Scroll to 1:07 and you will hear the horn sound.

MichaelB posted:
NS1975 posted:

Well, I think it sounds fine. To each his own. It is nice to have something different from the same horn in the new models. I haven't heard the particular years models you were referencing.

I don't mind if you like it, since it's your engine. The SD70ACe horn sound I was referring to was this one. Scroll to 1:07 and you will hear the horn sound.

Very nice!

Thanks for sharing.

STE posted:

I picked up the M T H-C &O M-1 I had ordered from Stockyard Express last Tuesday and set it up on my under construction pike just yesterday. This engine is a behemoth.


STE, yes the C&O M-1 is a monster.  But the true behemoth is the N&W engine 2300 (Jawn Henry).  Both these images were taken with these engines on top of the same chest.



The Sisters!




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Last edited by PRRronbh

Just picked up some great deals I believe.  

The first one is this PRR 2-8-0 Consolidation PS2/3V.  I believe this is part of a RTR set but I have no box.  There is no smoke switch on the bottom of the tender to turn on/off the smoke but there is a smoke pot as well as what I believe is volume.  How do you turn off the smoke units on these?  There is also a rectangular battery charging jack so it's definitely PS2... right?

It's not all that fancy but for a 6 year old's first foray into trains/command control and for $55 you can't loose out.


Second was a K-Line 15" passenger set (4680?) with interiors and people in the Fleet of Modernism scheme.  Pulled by my Century Club Brunswick GG1 and this'll make a great looking consist no doubt.  So what's the order behind the engine?  I can do this - baggage, sleeper, coach and observation at the end.  

 Great condition but some of the pickup springs have become detached or need to be tweaked.

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Other things include a PW 2065 Hudson in very good shape and a K-Line Quint's Traveling Aquarium with real water and floating clown fish... very quaint.  


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Last edited by Kirk R

First off I'm a 3 rail O gauge person, but back in the 70's while in the navy I bought a 2 rail Italian made set by Lima. Sold it but always wish I didn't. So I was able to find a similar engine but my set only had 2 red passenger cars, So I found this set on that auction site and couldn't resist lol. The set is on a 9' shelf and it's taking about 8' of it. the cars are 19 1/2" long each, not counting the couplers, the engine is about 15". 


The set is DC only but I was able to buy a large set of track also

38 pieces of 12" straight track, ( two are terminal tracks )  one left and one right switch, twenty 24" radius curve track, and then I bought another set of switches from another person ( I'm using Atlas 2 rail O scale track. ) 


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Here's my latest purchase and my last for a long while. This was a display unit at Nicholas Smith Trains and I got a great deal on it. It only came with one problem part, the metal part for one of the left hatches came off. I fixed that very quickly. The right sliding windows came loose during shipping, also was able to fix that very quickly. I know that the rear part of the roof isn't latching properly, I will fix that in the future.


Engine runs great so far and everything works so far! I will do a proper stress test on Sunday at my local club. But so far I'm loving every bit of this model!


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rtraincollector posted:

First off I'm a 3 rail O gauge person, but back in the 70's while in the navy I bought a 2 rail Italian made set by Lima. Sold it but always wish I didn't. So I was able to find a similar engine but my set only had 2 red passenger cars, So I found this set on that auction site and couldn't resist lol. The set is on a 9' shelf and it's taking about 8' of it. the cars are 19 1/2" long each, not counting the couplers, the engine is about 15". IMG_6861

Cool beans; I picked up one of those last year. In spite of the fact that it is admittedly a fairly "cheap" model, mine runs pretty well and even has directional lighting; something that my Rivarossi engines (which actually run a little better) of similar outline and vintage don't have... 

...and yes, those passenger cars (I have only 2) are huge!


...nice to see some European stuff make an appearance... 

Mark in Oregon


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The Touropa car came in with a broke coupler, the guy told me to send it back and he will replace the whole truck, as he has a few. 

I plan on using this on the upper level of my layout. I plan to have like a mountain area in the far corner, I will use my buildings by model power that Menards tricked me into. But at least I have found a very nice place for them. Don't get me wrong, there nice buildings just a lot smaller than what Menards puts out normally. 

i have a pretty tough grading system and since most of my collection is in the 70 -100+ year old range, i do not believe i've ever put a model from that period in a category higher than C7+ which i consider the highest rating i can give a piece that has been carefully played with.... until now.

this set is a stunner.  if i didn't know anything about Hafner, i believe i would think this is a new reproduction.  i would not hesitate to rate this train a C8 - C8+ ... truly "Like New".

Hafner SSS one piece coach set

Hafner SSS obsv


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Strummer posted:
rtraincollector posted:

First off I'm a 3 rail O gauge person, but back in the 70's while in the navy I bought a 2 rail Italian made set by Lima. Sold it but always wish I didn't. So I was able to find a similar engine but my set only had 2 red passenger cars, So I found this set on that auction site and couldn't resist lol. The set is on a 9' shelf and it's taking about 8' of it. the cars are 19 1/2" long each, not counting the couplers, the engine is about 15". IMG_6861

Cool beans; I picked up one of those last year. In spite of the fact that it is admittedly a fairly "cheap" model, mine runs pretty well and even has directional lighting; something that my Rivarossi engines (which actually run a little better) of similar outline and vintage don't have... 

...and yes, those passenger cars (I have only 2) are huge!


...nice to see some European stuff make an appearance... 

Mark in Oregon

As a antidote to all this, the guy I bought them from lives in Lima, OH. LOL.  

I ran across this thing at a Thrift Store for $3 and remembered one like it from my Dentist Office. We've all seen them in action when the Dentist mixes the amalgam to fill the hole in your tooth.  I thought for years I could use that for mixing paint in the small bottles model paint comes in so I snatched the thing right off the shelf.  And boy does it work great. I took a bottle of paint that has been sitting in a drawer for three years, the resin was on top and all the pigment was in the lower quarter inch of the bottle.  The "Wig-L-Bug" has a 0~60 second timer and I had to run it twice to get all the pigment off the bottom. I would have been shaking it by hand all night or using a toothpick to mix it this well.  The holder was not designed to mount paint bottles so I wrapped the bottle in a turn of shipping foam that did the job well enough on the small one once Testers bottle.  I will build some sort of fixture to hold other bottles with less trouble. Will also remove the top since it won't close with the bottle in place. But this thing is great should you run into a deal on one.  I searched "Wig-L-Bug" on eBay and a bunch came up.  I also searched Amalgam Mixer and a bunch of new ones came up a LOT more expensive.       j103_7450103_7452


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rtraincollector posted:

Well I got directions for Switches in 2 rail O by Atlas. I figured they would work off of Track power. Silly me for thinking such, they run off of AC Not DC. So this is going to be a learning curve for me. 

Bill, I tested DC on a #200 Atlas relay and it worked perfectly even changing polarity. I think it’s the same basic solenoid as the switch just bigger. Give it a try on your track power DC. Of course you need a momentary switch to activate the solenoid. Good luck. 

PRRronbh posted:
STE posted:

I picked up the M T H-C &O M-1 I had ordered from Stockyard Express last Tuesday and set it up on my under construction pike just yesterday. This engine is a behemoth.


STE, yes the C&O M-1 is a monster.  But the true behemoth is the N&W engine 2300 (Jawn Henry).  Both these images were taken with these engines on top of the same chest.



The Sisters!


In this case the C&O "Sister" is much prettier!!  

Picked this up for under 20 bucks, which I guess was a good deal:  


Now, this is my first Walthers "Built-Up": I noticed that (at least) the base is not glued to the walls, so I was able to add a wood floor. Makes me wonder if the whole thing can be dis-assembled so that a second-story floor can be added. Plus, that would make painting it in a more realistic color a lot easier: does anyone here have experience doing this?

Mark in Oregon


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Peter Araujo posted:


This just arrived this week. I've been having a lot of fun running it. Plan on blackening the tires for an excursion appearance.


Here's a crappy photo I took in Eugene in the mid-'80's (I think). She was on her way to the grand opening of the California State Railway Museum:

4449 1985?

The lady in red to the far left of the picture (standing on the hood of her car!), is my dearly-departed Mom... 

Mark (still) in Oregon



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Strummer posted:
Peter Araujo posted:


This just arrived this week. I've been having a lot of fun running it. Plan on blackening the tires for an excursion appearance.


Here's a crappy photo I took in Eugene in the mid-'80's (I think). She was on her way to the grand opening of the California State Railway Museum:

4449 1985?

The lady in red to the far left of the picture (standing on the hood of her car!), is my dearly-departed Mom... 

Mark (still) in Oregon


The photo doesn't look too bad to me. I'm assuming MTH based this paint scheme off of the builder's scheme from 4436. Shown below are some photos of 4449 with black walls:

I'm basing mine off of the current excursion appearance. I'll also need to find an auxiliary tender and an Amtrak P42DC in Phase V.  Another person did the same thing with his Lionel GS-4 on this thread:


I got this a while back at an antique mall about 40 miles north of me:


Interesting to thumb through it and see what scale modeling was like when you had to build almost everything; bronze and brass, and huge K&D field-wound motors... great stuff! 

"Bob2", I bet you can relate: (not to the date, but materials used!).    I hope you see this... 

Mark in Oregon


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Last edited by Strummer

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