Please help troubleshooting . . . I googled this but not getting much success. Last night I was running trains with my 15-year old CAB-1 when it stopped communicating with the base unit. It started emitting rapid, multiple beeps. I changed the batteries and made sure the crystal in the CAB-1 was secure. Checked all the connections with the base unit, everything seems fine there. After i changed the batteries, I tried to power up. I would get the normal beep when I hit "TR", a normal beep when I hit "2", but when I hit AUX1 or any other button there would be multiple rapid-fire beeps and nothing would happen. On the base unit, the green light was on but the red light never flickered.
I took the fresh batteries out last night, put them back in this morning and no beeps of any kind. Batteries are new and contact tabs seem to be making contact with the batteries just fine.
Anybody ever seen this before? Thanks for any help.