I am FINALLY expanding my layout and will be adding 2 O-42 turn-outs and possibly one more operating Realtrax turnout. All of these turn-outs will be on my main-line. The 2 O-42 turnouts will create 2 an inner and outer loop, the other turn-out will be used for a spur/stub siding. No accessories were previously powered via the track nor will they be on my new layout(possibly an insulated section to activate a Banjo signal, but that's it).
My TIU is powered via AUX input and is connected to anl TMCC base using the appropriate cable. I initially plan to only power the layout via a Lionel PH-1 135 watt brick connected to fixed 2 input with fixed 2 output going to a MTH 12 port terminal board.
Here are my questions:
Can I power my Realtrax switches with another, in-phase transformer that is not connected to the TIU? That transformer woud, again, be in-phase and provide the constant voltage the turn-outs requre.
NOTE: I already have an SPDT and know how to connect it to the turn-outs to power them via a separate power source. i Practiced with a temporary conventional straight track, connected the 3 spades from the turn-out remotes to the 3 appropriate terminals on the turn-out, track received power from a ZW. Using another ZW output, I connected a wire to the the SPDT and then connected wires to the 4th terminal, which is meant to receive auxiliary power, on my turn-outs
If it is possible to power the turn-outs with a separate, in-phase transformer, is there anything of which I should be aware or cautious?
If no to the first question, would I need an AIU for remote turn-out operation via a non-TIU connected power source? If that is the case, then I might just go with non-powered turn-outs with auto non0derailing features similar to Lionel O-36 manual turn-outs.
Please let me know if you need any further clarification. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.