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Just like the question asks...can I use just the power board from a PS1 board as a reversing unit to feed a DC motor?  I have a QSI AC reversing unit, but without the bridge it's not helpful to me.

I was thinking I can just wire a bridge between the outputs of the AC reverser and the DC leads, but I'm nervous.  All the bridges I see on the PS1 boards have huge diodes at each leg.  I thought that's what the square bridge actually was...the diode pack internal to that square card-table looking thing.  OR is the square thing just a heat sink?

Are the extra diodes related to other functions, or are they critical to completing the bridge circuit? (see photo below, the reverse unit and what I thought was the bridge rectifier



However, all the bridges on the PS1 boards go right through a diode on each leg.  So I'm thinking the square thing is NOT a rectifier all by itself? (See yellow arrows below).  Can I cut the bridge off of this board and hook it up to my other reverser, or just use the board as-is?  I think it's too long which is why I'm interested in cutting it.





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Seems like I answered my own question partially.  The four diodes are needed because the reverse circuit outputs either AC on one leg or another, but the AC ground is always common.  Obviously that won't work without forcing ground to the opposite leg when the AC leg is switched.

Now I'm stealing diodes from my busted whistle and bel box and I'm going to make a DC reverse unit out of my AC qsi unit.

So fun!

 EDIT:  OK I'm still stumped.  Even while trying to trace the arrangement of diodes at the bridge on the PS1 board, I can't for the life of me figure out the circuit diagram.  

I have three wires coming in: ACforward, ACreverse, ACground...and two wires going out : DC + and DC -

Does anyone have a basic diagram of where these hook up?  I can make out that every leg of the bridge needs a diode with the positive terminal connected to the leg.  But that's as far as my feeble mind can stretch right now.


Last edited by Jeff_the_Coaster_Guy

You have the AC motor reverse unit.  Get a DC motor reverse unit.  Also, your title says PS-1 top board.  Nothing you show is PS-1 top board.  And the answer is no.  The MTH version of the QSI DCRU has added power supplies to operate the Top sound and control board.  2 board stack.  QSI original setup was 3 board stack.  DCRU, middle Power Supply board, Top board.   Plenty of difference between the bottom PS-1 board you show (no logic chips, but extra power supply parts under board and in middle), versus even the DC DCRU that has the logic chips, but no 5V and 9V power supplies.   G

@GGG, guess I got my "Top / Bottom" terminology mixed up.

So i guess the simpler way to ask the question would have been "can the reversing circuit in the PS1 board be used if it's separated from the other board" and I guess the answer is "no".  I'm not even sure it would have fit in the engine anyway.  I might wait for a tender and then just make the whole thing a PS1, which seems to me to be a cleaner setup anyway.  Just stinks that I have no more PS1 steam chips and all my engines sound like EP5's or whatever I have on hand...

So open call for a steam chip if anyone has one! 


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