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I was intending to use a 6 amp 50 volt bridge rectifier, but none available locally so bought this one in picture.

Do any of you know is I can use it to power my 4-6-4 MTH RK-1113LP as I am trying to get it to run in just

conventional mode, using none of the 'electronic boards (2) that it had when I purchased it years past.

If so, then do I run the + and -  to the motor and those two prongs in the middle ... one to the pickup which

is insulated from the body and the other to the body which connect to wheels?

There is one more option for me and that would be to use a 8 amp 50 volt unit which can be obtained locally so

maybe that would be better?

And, is that all I need to do to make this motor run which is working BTW, as I tested it using a HO dc pack.

And just so some might ask, "why do I still ask for help on this problem?",  I live in a somewhat remote part of

MS and can't always get to town and the nearest MTH repair center is 800 miles away.

Thanks, Guys!!


Images (1)
  • 4-6-4 MTH RK-1113LP 13: Full Wave Bridge Rectifier 4 amps 50 volts
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The 4A bridge installed as you say will work for light loads but I'd feel more confident with a higher rated bridge as you initially intended.  If you are remotely located and already own the 4A, install it to mess with while waiting for something like this 10A bridge for 99 cents free shipping from Asia (ebay 291645788711).
bridge 99 cents on ebay
In either case I recommend attaching the bridge to a piece of metal for heat-sinking.  It appears your 4A bridge has a mounting hole (as does the 10A device) for this purpose.
Depending on what else you're running on your layout, since you already have a suitable DC power source, you could apply DC to the rails and directly attach the engine's motor to the track.  This would allow you to reverse the engine which you won't be able to do with the bridge-only method.


Images (1)
  • bridge 99 cents on ebay
Last edited by stan2004

Many Thanks to all who responded to my question. I will now try the one I have purchased and all should be fine.

As my layout consists of two mainline tracks, one inside the other and the inner having a wye, I do not run more

than one engine at a time (unless I use our Thomas remote to shunt unhooked freight) and try never to go over

15 vac, all should be fine, but I'll go 'easy' after the installation.

BTW....I do have a small heat sink which should be just perfect to mount that FWBR.

Hey ! All this stuff is fun, I find, just wish I could convince "PiP' that it is more fun than barking at Squirrels

and keeping all the cats in line but 'he's a dog' as my sweetie calls him.

Thanks again and is you are ever in the area look me up (i am in the phone directory via land line) and we'll

fine some fine, fun restaurant to gobble some vittles down and go watch the 9:30 KCS pass by.

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