I currently do not have a layout aside from 2 4x8 layouts I have up and running for my son that dad borrows from time to time (one HO and the other O Gauge). I am still in the processing of remodeling the Train Room (slow process) and I am planning an O Scale around the walls layout. Depending on if my son gets completely bitten by the Model Railroading bug and depending if that bug is the HO or O variety will determine if and how I would rebuild or expand his current layouts.
This got me wondering, can more than one Legacy Base 2 or Base 3 (currently own Base 2 never used yet and I have a Base 3 on pre-order for my future layout) operating in the same room? The Train Room is 15.25' x 17' Son's O gauge layout would occupy most of center of room and some around the walls under dad's around the wall layout. My layout will reside 60" from floor.
His current 4x8 O gauge layout is LionChief only powered by 2 72 watt power bricks running only LionChief and LionChief+ locos. But if he is bitten by the O gauge / Scale bug, that layout would be dismantled with a larger layout consisting of broader (O72) curves and of course would need a new control system.
Someday, the lower and center space will be reclaimed by dad (me) for a large planned HO scale layout with my O scale Layout still residing around the walls. Most my experience in the Hobby is HO scale and spent 10 years in N Scale both running DCC. I am only 1 year into O Gauge / O Scale and it's a bit different than HO or N.