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From the NASG website:


"by MTH Electric Trains

As you may know, MTH's CEO is retiring and closing the company. Whether or not the company's product lines will be taken over has not been announced. They are planning on closing in May 2021, so items in the latest MTH S-scale catalog are going to be produced. However, they have announced that the following items will not be manufactured (either due to lack of demand, or due to them not being able to get them delivered by May, 2021):
- 20051-1, 20052-1: CSX NW2
- 20029-1, 20030-1: EMD DEMONSTRATOR SW8
- 20065-1, 20066-1: Southern F7 powered A-unit.
- 20067-1: Southern F7 powered B-unit.
- 20066-4: Southern F7 non-powered A-unit.
- 20065-3: Southern F7 non-powered B-unit.

Due to the corona virus reactions and lockdowns, delivery dates stated on MTH's web site are no longer valid. The current estimates are as follows (which may continue to be delayed):
September, 2020: fishbelly hoppers.
October, 2020: SW8 locomotives.
November, 2020: NW2 locomotives.
December, 2020: F7 locomotives."



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