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Our very own Carey Tearose has an article with photos of her elegant standard gauge layout in the current issue of CTT on pages 38-41. Hooray for our Carey! It should be noted that Carey uses a different surname for the article.  😀

Last edited by Tinplate Art
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest a supporting member, I'll address the elephant in the room,  @Tinplate Art shouldn't CTT's comatose Forum be the proper place you should be promoting this?   I mean seriously, if the individual featured had wanted to reach an actual huge and appreciative readership she would have connected with Allan and sought publication in OGR. We all would have benefitted. OGR is always looking for good, quality material. For whatever reason that didn't happen.  As long as you're using this free Forum, let's support our OWN hard working team and not use this outlet to promote other commercial outlets.


Last edited by John Meyncke a supporting member, I'll address the elephant in the room,  @Tinplate Art shouldn't CTT's comatose Forum be the proper place you should be promoting this?   I mean seriously, if the individual featured had wanted to reach an actual huge and appreciative readership she would have connected with Allan and sought publication in OGR. We all would have benefitted. OGR is always looking for good, quality material. For whatever reason that didn't happen.  As long as you're using this free Forum, let's support OWN hard working team and not use this outlet to promote other commercial outlets.


I didn't realize that the O Gauge Railroading magazine typically publishes standard gauge material?

As a digital subscriber, I'm just fine with the post and excited for a member being published, regardless of the publication. a supporting member, I'll address the elephant in the room,  @Tinplate Art shouldn't CTT's comatose Forum be the proper place you should be promoting this?   I mean seriously, if the individual featured had wanted to reach an actual huge and appreciative readership she would have connected with Allan and sought publication in OGR. We all would have benefitted. OGR is always looking for good, quality material. For whatever reason that didn't happen.  As long as you're using this free Forum, let's support OWN hard working team and not use this outlet to promote other commercial outlets.


While I REALLY APPRECIATE John's post, OGR does devote our pages to O gauge material (for the most part).  Anyway, as far as I know, Carey did not contact us.  What happens a lot is our site is used by certain competitors as fertile ground to obtain material to be published.  I don't know if that was the case here however we know it happens as confirmed by OGR Forum members.  Congrats to Carey!

Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER

I guess we'll never know if the layout would have been featured in OGR. It went to a competitor instead. I feel this is not the proper venue to spotlight a competing commercial magazine's contents. Let them do their own promoting. Or better yet, let the Forum member explain why they published in a competing magazine. If OGR doesn't accept standard gauge material then so be it, our loss. We should be inclusive and appreciative of all quality work.


Carey may well have assumed that her standard gauge layout  more properly belonged in CTT rather than OGR. She has previously shared her layouts on the OGR Forum on numerous occasions and is one of of our members. My post was to celebrate our member's recognition regardless of the medium in which it was presented.

Tinplate Art, I agree wholeheartedly with your position.  As far as I'm concerned there never was any elephant in the room and any criticism leveled against Carey for having her work published in Classic Toy Trains magazine is at best incredibly misguided and at worst a two bit cheap shot.  We should be applauding her effort rather than attempting to detract from it regardless of its venue.   Additionally, Carey is certainly not obligated to explain her rationale in having her work published by another magazine.  What is this?  OGR subscribers will now dictate to other members when and where their work can be published.  Give me a break.  SHEESH!!

Last edited by OKHIKER

I had my previous layout, which was a combination of O and standard gauges, published in both OGR and CTT magazines. We I did the OGR article, Alan Miller asked me to provide some additional photos of the O gauge trains, since many of the first set had standard gauge trains in them. Some of the standard gauge photos made the article, but since this is an O gauge publication, that's where the focus should be. Makes perfect sense to me. The CTT article contained both O and standard train photos, which aligned with their publication focus.

I think anytime some gets published, either here at OGR or elsewhere, it's worthy of recognition. The bigger picture is that we are all about the hobby that we enjoy. Celebrate it!

Or better yet, let the Forum member explain why they published in a competing magazine.


Did she break any forum rules?  Not that I can tell.

Therefore she doesn't need to explain anything.  The last thing we need in this hobby is to exclude or chastise people, for any reason (other than not following the forum rules).


Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike

I appreciate the urge of some folks to put words in my mouth and impugn my motives, that's ok...I have big shoulders. To be clear, anyone has the right and ability to submit and publish material to any outlet they choose. Absolutely no question about it! I have no issue with that.

What I  do have an issue with,  is spot-lighting and drawing attention to content (no matter how wonderful and worthy it may be) that is contained within a publication that is a direct competitor of OGR, on OGR's Forum while OGR pays the freight. It just seems like bad manners to me, and not really fair or respectful to the good folks who host this Forum. THAT was my point. Congratulations Carey!


Last edited by John Meyncke

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