I have a turnout on a siding that I don't often use. I noticed that a locomotive lost power as it was entering the main line from the siding. After measuring the voltage on the three sides of the turnout, I found that there was power on the center rail of the straight track entering the turnout, but there was no power on the straight and curved track exiting the turnout. Also, there's a section of the turnout center rail that provides power to both the straight and curved turnout exit, but it also doesn't have power.
I applied power to the curved exit center rail using a jumper, and power was then available to both the curved and straight tracks exiting the turnout, but not on the dual center rail near the entrance to the straight and curved tracks that exit the turnout.
I've attached an image to illustrate the issue. Perhaps there's a wire at the bottom of the turnout that has separated. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this issue, especially a simple solution that does not require removal of track that has been ballasted in a hard to reach location.
Tom Jasper