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A few of the Pioneer Valley Model RR Club members, Gene Maag George Reneris & Steve Allen created Christmas Displays for the Wistariahurst Museum, Holyoke MA and the South Hadley MA Senior Center. We had a lot of help, Kids from the YMCA built Gingerbread Houses, a museum volunteer painted the background, gene built a model of the museum and the staff did a great job with the scenery. The museum paid for the trains and supplies. An Open House brought overr400 people in to see the trains and the museum decorations.

The South Hadley Senior Center had a lot of help too. The Kids from the High School Art Dept. painted buildings Gene made from Poly-styrene sheets, kids made the stars, another artist painted the background, the Veterans Group and Seniors helped too, the trains were a donation. An Open House with Santa, the trains, the High School culinary Dept. made and decorated cupcakes, and Christmas Karaoke with the seniors made for a very festive evening.

It was a fun project and maybe it will get some young people interested in our hobby.


Push The Button to start the Train! The Kids love it, the train runs for about 4 minutes on a timer



Images (7)
  • IMG_1959
  • IMG_1961
  • IMG_1963
  • IMG_1972
  • IMG_1978
  • IMG_1985
  • IMG_1987
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