Looking to for a way to secure 027 tubular track on a foam base that rests on two tables, Any thoughts ?
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I use track clips for the O27 and O31 loops that make up my Christmas layout.It is a temporary set up under the tree and has worked well for years. I tried nails and screws to anchor the track but the clips work best for me.
Is the foam base that you are using reasonably thick? (1/2 inch or more.) If so, then using short wood-screws that will reach no more than half way into the foam base should work quite well. I use FasTrack on my layout, with a base of sound insulating foam on top of MDF. Using screws just long enough to have a firm bite into the foam prevents the track from creeping and doesn't transmit any sounds/vibrations down into the MDF. The same principle should work well on the construction that you have described, and won't damage the table surfaces either. (Provided the screws are short enough.) If you lock the track together with the clips as suggested by POTRZBE above, then it should be pretty secure against unwanted movement.
You can also use tie wraps-- you just poke two holes next to a tie, feed the end up from underneath, over the tie, down thru the foam, and secure under the foam. you can also use string--- hope this helps---
I don't usually secure the track. If you must, then drywall screws can hold well enough to last through the holidays. You just might have to drill the hole in the track a little larger for the screw.