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Does anybody have any suggestions on a source for contemporary coach seats (or at least 50's era).  I am looking at doing interiors on some Phoenix Railway cars with silhouettes in the windows.  I've looked through the Scenery Sourcelist but can only find old time style seats.  I would need a lot, so was hoping to find injection molded or similar so I can afford to do several cars.



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Originally Posted by PeterA:

Thanks fellows for the replies.  Came up dry on contemporary seats.  And even the old style ones are quite expensive, over $1 per seat making filling even one car expensive.  Looks like I will be scratch building them from styrene.

A $1/per casting is actually pretty cheap.  I charge at least that myself when I'm making castings on commission.


But, here's a thought for you - if you're going to scartch together something from styrene, make 1 perfect one of each item, make RTV molds, and cast as many as you need of each for yourself from resin.

I make them myself.  Buy 36" long pieces of square basswood of various cros-ssections at my LHS (or similar shaped, but hardwood, at Home Depot or Lowes), and shape and glue them into a very long bench of the right crossectional size.  Paint it, then use a bandsaw to cut it into sections the right length.  I now have to paint only one side of each bench to complete it to install.

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