Need answers for questions about tmcc, conventional and dcs.
1. Can conventional and tmcc locomotives run simultaneously on the same track powered by a CW-80 transformer and controlled by a Cab-! handheld and a command base? If not, is there any add on accessory equipment that would allow it?
2. Using a CW-80 transformer, CAB-1 and a command base - can two tmcc locomotives run on the same track simultaneously?
3. Can a proto2 locomotive be run on a track controlled by a tmcc CAB-1 and command base with a CW-80 transformer? If not, is there any additional add on accessory equipment that would allow it?
4. Can a Proto2 locomotive and a tmcc locomotive run simultaneously on the same track powered by a cw-80 transformer with a tmcc command base and CAB 1 handheld? If not, is there any additional equipment that would allow it?
5. Can a tmcc locomotive run on track controlled by a dcs remote commander? If not, is thgere any additional equipment that would allow it?
6. Can a proto2 and conventional locomotive run simultaneously on track controlled by a dcs rempote commander? If not, is there any additional equipment that would allow it?
With two independent track loops, I'm trying to figure out how I can best run both proto2, tmcc and conventonal locomotives.
Thanks for your expertise and advice.