This is one that my grandson thought of. He visits us every few months and loves to see whatever progress we have made with our layout. He brings one or two additions to the layout and places them on the layout for my wife and I to find. He has so far "hidden" an alligator for our "swamp", a chicken for our farm, a baby elephant for our zoo, a boat for the harbor, and a Christmas tree for the town commons. He loves it and so do we. Even if his additions to the layout are not always to scale, we always leave them in. This makes the layout as much his as it is ours. Fun!
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That's a great idea. Fun for both you and your grandson.
My 6 year old granddaughter did something similar: putting her Shopkins in my boxcars, gondolas and on my layout.
My Grandmother supplied most of the surprises in the way of figures. We placed one or two each visit, maybe moved a just a few, and the two town grew slowly...Despite the occasionally large animal gatherings outside the IGA.
Fun stuff
Great idea!
Because my great-grandson (Matthew, now 5) is interested in dinosaurs, I purchased the Lionel DINOSAUR TRAIN SET and added a DINOSAUR PARK to my layout for his enjoyment. The park has two pens for the to-scale beasts: one for adults and one for juveniles - like a zoo. Matthew populated the park with dinosaurs from his ever-growing collection of the animals. Photos attached.
Mike Mottler (ritrainguy)
LCCA 12394
Mike H Mottler posted:Because my great-grandson (Matthew, now 5) is interested in dinosaurs, I purchased the Lionel DINOSAUR TRAIN SET and added a DINOSAUR PARK to my layout for his enjoyment. The park has two pens for the to-scale beasts: one for adults and one for juveniles - like a zoo. Matthew populated the park with dinosaurs from his ever-growing collection of the animals. Photos attached.
Mike Mottler (ritrainguy)
LCCA 12394
Looks like the Brontosaurus could simply reach over and get a lick of ice cream!
Hey. who doesn't like dinosaurs.....
Here is another idea my grandson likes. I made a siding with a building ( looks like an old car garage ) So my grandson backs up the train with an auto loader car to the car factory. Loads up the new cars with a wood shim for a ramp and delivers them to the layout. He liked it so much I had to buy a second auto loader.....
Really nice way to make the kids and grand kids a part of the trains and layout. Making them feel involved is great.
Great ideas guys!