Hillside welcomes Coors!
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Very nice work on the Brewery, Glenn! Nice town with a rail yard, too!
Heres some trackside photos around the brewery on the Golden Subdivision and Golden North Yard.
Very very nice. The most important building on the layout
i really like the building. The rest of the layout looks very neat also.
alan graziano
The brewery looks great. Did it come with a tap?
Glenn.....that is outstanding work.
The colors are PERFECT!
Can I steal this thread for a minute, years ago there was an NMRA convention in Denver and they arranged an after hours tour of Coors. Long story short, we got to play trains in their basement, ran that switcher and switched some cars into and out of their basement load/unload facility. Very cool and we had a blast! Nice folks.
That is one great looking building and the way you have blended it into the layout is just terrific. Well done! Russ
Nicely done Glenn. I visited the brewery back in the early 80s. They were totally self sufficient. They had their own concrete operation to provide all the concrete used in building the plant. They needed porcelain for something, can't remember what, so they built their own porcelain factory, turned out porcelain lab ware and I believe toilets in addition to whatever parts they needed. If I remember correctly the concrete panels visible in Erik's 6th picture were all removable to facilitate installing, removing and or replacing any brewing, bottling and packaging equipment in the plant.
Great looking layout! I also like what you did with the Kerberos kit to create the Coors Brewery.
Great work and great pictures of the trains. I visited the brewery on my way out to Korea, 1971. Oh yea, also had a free beer, on tap.
Old Mike
Great looking building! I to like the rest of what we can see of your layout! Keep up the good work!