Terry - The end of Canadian Pacific steam in Montreal commuter service was in June 1960, and that was perhaps just a very temporary diesel shortage, with a run or two. I cajoled my poor parents into a trip to Montreal for Mid-July 1960, contacted the CPR Public Relations Dept for information and appropriate releases, went to Windsor Station HQ to obtain all. The only steam locomotives that were live in mid-July were the 15 engines on house steam in the modern St. Luc freight yard roundhouse - on stand-by call. Included in the group were a couple of engines that had been in commuter service earlier in the year - - - Royal Hudsons 2822 and 2820 plus heavy Pacific #2459. Also in the line-up was today's standard Hudson 2816, "The Princess". Toss in Mikados, another heavy Pacific, #2334, and light Pacific #1270. The smallest steamer in the group was Consolidation #3642, which had been the regular Windsor Station switch engine earlier. In the August 1960 Trains there was speculation that 3 steam locomotives were in service at Trois Rivier, PQ, but don't believe that to have been true. "Trains" further speculated that more steam could be fired up in winter, for the St. Lawrence R freeze over - but it never happened. The only steam movement after July 1960 was a Hudson, used for temporary boiler service at Windsor Station.
For sure, earlier in the year, winter 1959-1960, steam was active on commuters, on the Quebec Central and a couple of other pockets around Quebec, such as Megantic. Perhaps a bit of CPR steam activity lingered into spring at Winnipeg, but I have never seen a report confirming that. Steam was very active around Winnipeg on both the CNR and CPR through 1959 (CNR's final regular service steam run was a passenger train, Winnipeg to The Pas, MB, pulled by a conventional Mountain, #6043, in April 1960. That equated almost precisely with the last steam freight runs on the GTW in MI)
Do check out the Ron Wright photo web site - he's a bit older then me, and got to Montreal in the winter of 1959-1960. I was just a shade too young to get parental approval for a solo run up to Montreal at that time !