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Last night, 07-07-16, I observed first-hand a "difference" in PS2 and PS3.

At the very exact same place, time, space, power, everything the same, a PS2 engine will give a "track signal" of 1.   A PS3 engine will give a "track signal" of 10.

Don't ask me why/how etc. but I simply replaced the existing wire with an identical wire to the same exact points.  With this "new" wire everything is a 10!  Who the heck knows?

I've experienced some crazy stuff but this one is at the top of my list!  

REALLY CURIOUS:  Has anyone had anything similar happen this happen?

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FWIW, be aware that a PS3 engine has a much improved digital signal processor (DSP) over that of a PS2 engine. The chip in the PS3's DSP is an FPGA rather than an ASIC.

This provides for considerably improved DCS signal strength for PS3 engines over PS2 engines. This may have been a factor in your observation

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Barry Broskowitz posted:


FWIW, be aware that a PS3 engine has a much improved digital signal processor (DSP) over that of a PS2 engine. The chip in the PS3's DSP is an FPGA rather than an ASIC.

This provides for considerably improved DCS signal strength for PS3 engines over PS2 engines. This may have been a factor in your observation

DCS Book CoverThis and a whole lot more is all in “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at OGR’s web store!

Thank you Barry.  I had heard about the great improvement but really didn't experience a difference until the other day.  Everything is okay again.  I'm just stumped because when I installed the DCS, the signal strength was 10 in that area; including PS2s.  These things have minds of their own!  :-) 

As I read your post, you say you replaced a wire to a location and now both locos yield 10.  My guess is that the initial wire was inadequate gauge or may have had an internal break (rare but it happens) or a connection was not good.  Be sure tracks are solidly connected and that common(ground) wires are tight.

I actually tested multiple PS2 and PS3 engines achieving the same result.  The original wire had to be working because the engines all received a signal and would turn on and off with command.  The wire I replaced to the identical contacts was the identical gauge.  I'm telling you guys that there are electrical gremlins!  :-)  I've experienced some crazy stuff doing this in these past 42, 43 or 44 years, something close, but this one is nearest the top!  :-)

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