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I've been looking around for a custom bridge for my layout recently.  Seems a few of the ones I was leaning towards are longer in business and I am likely going with Silk City/HJHR but tonight I stumbled across this company and would like to share.

Last edited by Sparky74
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Sparky74 posted:

I've been looking around for a custom bridge for my layout recently.  Seems a few of the ones I was leaning towards are longer in business and I am likely going with Silk City/HJHR but tonight I stumbled across this company and would like to share.

I can build anything you want ,if you have the money I will make time . I have done several types including a double decked thru truss . I have castings for deck girder bridges as well . Highly detailed . How about gear driven  operating lift bridge with real scale size link chains  ?I-phone pix 058I-phone pix 091IMG_2866lift bridge center span


Images (4)
  • IMG_2866
  • lift bridge center span
  • I-phone pix 058
  • I-phone pix 091

Don't forget to consider as we offer more bridge types than anyone else.

Truss up to 5 feet, arch up to 4 feet, girder bridges available in all diameters, viaducts, ELevated Subway bridge system and stations, Combo- arch truss up to 5 feet, Hellgate-3 sizes, Train Sheds -3 sizes, Several Bridge support choices,  NEW double decker bridge- 4 feet and longer, Curved Truss 072, Underarch, and more.


Jim r

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