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I'm looking for custom decorators that will paint & letter Atlas 4750 cvd hoppers from undecorated models.

I put an add on this forum I think last year asking this question,perhaps on another forum,but anyway,here's what I remember.

The painter would get the lettering from Hi-Ball Graphics and after they completed their work,he would paint & letter the undecorated models for me. Depending on cost,I was figuring on 1-2 cars each of an SCL FAMILY LINES SYSTEM & the same number of L&N FAMILY LINES SYSTEM 4750's.

I know the cost won't be slight as the undecorated hoppers are $50 each to start. The custom lettering is what gets ugly.

So can anyone help me out here,or possibly remember the conversation if we discussed it on this forum?

I put a request into Atlas for these & other hoppers,but that could be a lifetime before or if anything happens,but do to cost,I imagine that's the avenue I'll have to hope eventually does these cars.

Thanks to all in advance,for your help.

Al Hummel

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Christine J. Braden of CJB Custom Painting & Designs painted, lettered and numbered Walter Matuch's RMT (formerly K-Line) streamliners to match my 2348 M&StL GP9. Her email address is She posted photos of R. J. Corman diesels she painted. Two line drawings of F units in white faced each other on the red nose. Her work is outstanding.M&StLPasSetLooseTies 004M&StLPasSetLooseTies 003M&StL Cars3M&StL Cars4

She then painted a K-Line Diner and a Pullman (blue and silver boxes) that I found at the York Meet. Their window silhouettes had seen better days. She made and installed new ones.M&StL CarsPulDiner 001


Images (5)
  • M&StLPasSetLooseTies 004
  • M&StLPasSetLooseTies 003
  • M&StL Cars3
  • M&StL Cars4
  • M&StL CarsPulDiner 001


Yes I got the 4 car set over time plus 1 extra 2 new some used,some 2rl most 3rl.

The scheme I'm looking for was done in the ' 80-'81 time frame with large L&N and SCL letters & the square "box with lettering," was moved to the right end of the car.

If there would be enough interest among modelers,possibly we could get Atlas to do a custom run.

There was also a block of cars done for SCL in the lettering scheme you show that's never been done. Those cars are BEAUTIFUL!!

Thank you,

Al Hummel


I have photos of the cars but everytime I hit a picture it wants to upload the entire file." Ideas on how to get around this? I'll try to upload a model photo of the Prototype so if it uploads that file it doesn't matter. Here goes. Well I had 3 photos but only got 1 when I inserted all 3 @ full size in body,but this gives you an idea what I'm after.

Thank you & hope Atlas picks up on this soon.

Al Hummel



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