My Wabash Bluebird set came with a CW 80, and like I've discovered since, many have had issues with this nice-looking but problematic unit. I put it aside until amassing enough info. to try to effect a fix on what I think the problem is: blown fuse, which is suspect in many downed units. One problem is the triangular screws (4) to hold the unit together. Some have opted for rather expensive screwdrivers only available in certain locations. The screws are deep within the box. I'd like to drill out the screws and replace them with regulars, but I wonder if those four screws are the only thing holding on the case. It may be I'd drill out the screws only to find there are other issues with getting to the core? Has anyone drilled out the screws, and will that get you into the insides?
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Its only those 4 screws.
At my local Harbor Freight I found a screwdriver set in a small yellow case that had a triangle bit in it.
Others have modified screwdrivers, used torx bits, even a triangle file.
May want to call Lionel first, they have been covering those transformers when they fail
I tried to drill the screw heads out as you are contemplating but found that the screw heads are a very hard steel (either form the cold heading process or they are hardened) and only managed to mangle the head so a driver no longer works and destroyed a drill bit.
I would opt for locating the correct screw driver.
Good luck,
If you can't get it covered under warranty Dale Manquen has a detailed article on these.
I took a t-handel allen wrench and using a dremel cut it down. I have had some sucess in using a small flat head screwdriver that is the same width as one of the flats. this will work as long as the screws are not tighened too tightly. They ae fairly simple once you get inside,
The correct tri-blade bits are fairly easy to find. But finding ones with long reach is more difficult.
I got around this problem by buying a cheap 'security screw' bit set, and then used a dremel to cut a deep slot in the top surface of the tri-blade bit. This enabled me to simply drop the bit down the hole, and then use a regular flat bladed screwdriver to turn it and unscrew the security screws.
When I re-assembled the CW-80 I used regular posidriv screws instead of the tri-blade ones. I did this purely for my own convenience, but I would suggest that using the original screws is preferable, especially if you have children in the house.
send it back.
Lionel has been replacing
email them directly and they
will send you a new one.
Somebody refresh my memory. What was the problem with the early CW-80 and is there a way to tell if you have suspect one?
The CW-80 has a production number stamped on it and call Lionel to see if it is the one they will replace or not. There are at least three runs of the CW-80. The first run was the one I have heard has the problems.
Lee Fritz
An example of an old model would be: 1202
An example of a new model would be: G1210
It's the G that makes it a newer model.
I took a square head screwdriver which is available everywhere and filed one corner off it to fit. Worked well. Get a good fit, since the screws come out with some stiffness. Lionel. I believe they ask you to cut the line cord off and just send you a new unit.
send it back.
Lionel has been replacing
email them directly and they
will send you a new one.
I think all they wanted back was the cord and then they send you a new CW-80.
when I sent back CWs they wanted the cord
AND orange handle.
what does the G in G1210
stand for "GOOD"????
I currently have one powering my TMCC layout.
that's exactly what a friend of mine did,
choo choo Bob, took several of those
"powered bricks" and is using them as
power sources.
Do you have a link to where I can get said screwdriver online? I have a couple I want to open to oil very noisy fans.
What you need is a TA 27 screwdriver with a minimum length of blade of 40mm
These are easily available on eBay
What you need is a TA 27 screwdriver with a minimum length of blade of 40mm
These are easily available on eBay
I'll check it out, thanks.
I added a 10 amp fuse, TVS, and red indicator lamp.