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Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

My experience is that PS/3 certainly isn't any slower than PS/2, it only takes me a few minutes at most for any locomotive.


Then maybe it is time for some formatting and re-loading on the old clunker PC?



Originally Posted by fpatton:
Originally Posted by RJR:

rtr12, Some (maybe all?) of the serial>USB cables require installation of a driver.

Fred, my understanding, altho I don't have a Rev L, is that either approach may be used.


It's funny - with the USB port present, it didn't even occur to me to try using the serial port. I only break out that cable every few years, and when I do, I always seem to have driver problems that take a while to straighten out, so I try to avoid the heartache.


My apologies for making the "USB-only" assumption!



No problem, we are all here to learn and share information.  I feel the same way about drivers. I had already made an attempt to locate a USB cable before resorting to the adapter. 

Originally Posted by fpatton:
Originally Posted by RJR:

rtr12, Some (maybe all?) of the serial>USB cables require installation of a driver.

Fred, my understanding, altho I don't have a Rev L, is that either approach may be used.


It's funny - with the USB port present, it didn't even occur to me to try using the serial port. I only break out that cable every few years, and when I do, I always seem to have driver problems that take a while to straighten out, so I try to avoid the heartache.


My apologies for making the "USB-only" assumption!



Fred: For clarity, when I was successful connecting stereo jumper cable first, THEN the USB A/B (not mini-B) cable, I did not bother trying it with the addition of AUX POWER.  Was so glad to be done I didn't want to mess around any more just then!!


Whew!  What a day!  I really don't expect anyone to reply to my issues, but MAYBE there may be some benefit for Barry's next edition.  And I get an opportunity to vent.


Thought today would be a good day to upgrade my DCS system.  (Just did Legacy over the weekend, thanks to information on this forum.)  So downloaded all the software for DCS 4.3, and the Unloader 2.3.4a, and 2.3.4b.  Checked for documentation and only thing I found was in the 4.3 upgrade which has the User Manual Verison 5.  And the Unloader instructions Version 23.  Neither of which makes any mention of removing previous versions.  After multiple attempts of Installing the 2.3.4 software and continuous error message of not being able to install due to a later version in exsistance.  After 4-5 hours of hunting for other files, deleting anything I thought was similiar, redoing the downloads, I was ready to give up.  I have updated DCS many times before and never had this problem.  I read and reread the documents mentioned above to no avail.  Was very frustrated.


Then I remembered this thread, and thought just maybe there might be a hint of something there.  On the very FIRST page found the cause of my problem!  Not removing the prior version with the "Add/Delete Program" function on the Control Panel of the computer.  (Hope a statement gets in Barry's next edition.)  


Then, the Com Port problems.  Have a Radio Shack conversion cable, and always been suspcious of it.  Finally got it to recognize and actually got the TIU upgrade installed.  Then for the Remotes....huh..  As soon as I opened the Remote file I loose the Com Port connection.  Fought this for another hour, and finally gave up.


So I now have the TIU at 4.3, a Remote at 4.2, and another at 4.1.   So, thinking about it, think I will get a short serial cable to extend the connection point from the TIU to the extension cable, and get a new "dongle" type Serial/USB adapter.  My concern is that the serial connector in the TIU may be a little loose and not making a reliable connection to the RS cable, or the RS cable may have a problem.  But, I have no problem with the connection  when I connect the Legacy cable to it.  So with the Serial Cable extension I will eliminate all the connecting and disconnecting at the TIU.


Thanks for the opportunity to vent, disappointed that MTH didn't make any reference to deleting the prior version, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.



disappointed that MTH didn't make any reference to deleting the prior version

I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues updating your DCS.

but MAYBE there may be some benefit for Barry's next edition.

As far as the issue about deleting the previous version of the software, that's a Windows issue. Neither MTH nor your truly is in the business of explaining how Windows works or detailing its idiosyncrasies.


As I recall, the need to delete a previous version of a software application before installing a newer one is a Windows-only requirement, and at that a relatively recent (post Windows XP) development. AFAIK, no other consumer operating system has such a requirement. If one is a Windows user, it's really one's responsibility to understand the system that one is using. It's unfortunate that when Windows issues its error message, it doesn't tell you how to remedy the situation by using the Control Panels. However, its really not MTH's problem, or mine, to keep up with Windows as it changes how it does things.


Regardless, I did include that proviso on page 135 of The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition:

Installing the DCS Loader Program

Before installing a newer version of the DCS Loader Program, any older versions of the program should first be deleted. Follow the instructions to remove an application program as provided with your version of Microsoft Windows.


This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s “The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
Originally Posted by Don(Cerritos):

Whew!  What a day!  I really don't expect anyone to reply to my issues, but MAYBE there may be some benefit for Barry's next edition.  And I get an opportunity to vent.


Thought today would be a good day to upgrade my DCS system.  (Just did Legacy over the weekend, thanks to information on this forum.)  So downloaded all the software for DCS 4.3, and the Unloader 2.3.4a, and 2.3.4b.  Checked for documentation and only thing I found was in the 4.3 upgrade which has the User Manual Verison 5.  And the Unloader instructions Version 23.  Neither of which makes any mention of removing previous versions.  After multiple attempts of Installing the 2.3.4 software and continuous error message of not being able to install due to a later version in exsistance.  After 4-5 hours of hunting for other files, deleting anything I thought was similiar, redoing the downloads, I was ready to give up.  I have updated DCS many times before and never had this problem.  I read and reread the documents mentioned above to no avail.  Was very frustrated.


Then I remembered this thread, and thought just maybe there might be a hint of something there.  On the very FIRST page found the cause of my problem!  Not removing the prior version with the "Add/Delete Program" function on the Control Panel of the computer.  (Hope a statement gets in Barry's next edition.)  


Then, the Com Port problems.  Have a Radio Shack conversion cable, and always been suspcious of it.  Finally got it to recognize and actually got the TIU upgrade installed.  Then for the Remotes....huh..  As soon as I opened the Remote file I loose the Com Port connection.  Fought this for another hour, and finally gave up.


So I now have the TIU at 4.3, a Remote at 4.2, and another at 4.1.   So, thinking about it, think I will get a short serial cable to extend the connection point from the TIU to the extension cable, and get a new "dongle" type Serial/USB adapter.  My concern is that the serial connector in the TIU may be a little loose and not making a reliable connection to the RS cable, or the RS cable may have a problem.  But, I have no problem with the connection  when I connect the Legacy cable to it.  So with the Serial Cable extension I will eliminate all the connecting and disconnecting at the TIU.


Thanks for the opportunity to vent, disappointed that MTH didn't make any reference to deleting the prior version, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


Don. C.--I don't know if you've seen it, or whether it applies to your situation (particularly re: " Finally got it to recognize and actually got the TIU upgrade installed")

MTH has yet to respond officially that I have seen (I did ask MTH Tech Support to look at the link below to understand what they seem not to have caught up to then, but have not received a response so far), so you must take my post about update problems using the current DCS Loader v2.34 as just what I learned worked for me, with the added comment from another on the thread that the 4-conductor handset jumper must be in place on the TIU before any power is applied, or the the TIU won't be "found" and won't be in programming mode (as I understood the comment).

Here is the post re: how I tumbled to the problems with the new DCS Loader's dialog box instructions for the TIU update, and revised the steps to succeed with TIU update.  My comments re: my remote update are ONLY what I found worked; for the remote I didn't even try following the DCS Loader step sequence.  Like you, I had "had it" by then and just wanted to finish the multi-hour "quick update job!" Here's the post link:

 Corrected DCS Loader instructions

That's exactly why, once I went through the headache of upgrading two TIUs and three remotes to 4.2 (it literally took days) I've not upgraded again.  Except for a couple of lash-up quirks, the layout works great.  Someday, when 4.31 comes out and the upgrading process is easy to do, I'll consider upgrading further.  Having only one 3.0 locomotive, and not planning on buying more, I'm at the "if it ain't broke, why fix it" stage.
Originally Posted by Don(Cerritos):

Whew!  What a day!  I really don't expect anyone to reply to my issues, but MAYBE there may be some benefit for Barry's next edition.  And I get an opportunity to vent.


Thought today would be a good day to upgrade my DCS system.  (Just did Legacy over the weekend, thanks to information on this forum.)  So downloaded all the software for DCS 4.3, and the Unloader 2.3.4a, and 2.3.4b.  Checked for documentation and only thing I found was in the 4.3 upgrade which has the User Manual Verison 5.  And the Unloader instructions Version 23.  Neither of which makes any mention of removing previous versions.  After multiple attempts of Installing the 2.3.4 software and continuous error message of not being able to install due to a later version in exsistance.  After 4-5 hours of hunting for other files, deleting anything I thought was similiar, redoing the downloads, I was ready to give up.  I have updated DCS many times before and never had this problem.  I read and reread the documents mentioned above to no avail.  Was very frustrated.


Then I remembered this thread, and thought just maybe there might be a hint of something there.  On the very FIRST page found the cause of my problem!  Not removing the prior version with the "Add/Delete Program" function on the Control Panel of the computer.  (Hope a statement gets in Barry's next edition.)  


Then, the Com Port problems.  Have a Radio Shack conversion cable, and always been suspcious of it.  Finally got it to recognize and actually got the TIU upgrade installed.  Then for the Remotes....huh..  As soon as I opened the Remote file I loose the Com Port connection.  Fought this for another hour, and finally gave up.


So I now have the TIU at 4.3, a Remote at 4.2, and another at 4.1.   So, thinking about it, think I will get a short serial cable to extend the connection point from the TIU to the extension cable, and get a new "dongle" type Serial/USB adapter.  My concern is that the serial connector in the TIU may be a little loose and not making a reliable connection to the RS cable, or the RS cable may have a problem.  But, I have no problem with the connection  when I connect the Legacy cable to it.  So with the Serial Cable extension I will eliminate all the connecting and disconnecting at the TIU.


Thanks for the opportunity to vent, disappointed that MTH didn't make any reference to deleting the prior version, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.



I appreciate the comments, and want to provide a little clarification.  Especially since its a NEW day.


I agree it is not the responsibility of MTH or Barry, to provide support or instructions on correct usage of any OS.  However, maybe just me but, I'm surprised that there wasn't any mention in the upgrade instructions about removing previous versions.  I did NOT check the DCS Companion which is dumb.  I may have looked at the Table of Contents for something but didn't see it.  Somehow over night it seems to have been added though!  TOC even says pg 131, go figure!  AND on page 135 I find the statement, "Before installing a newer version of the DCS Loader Program, any older versions of the program should first be deleted."  Can't be more specific than that!

So I certainly own that issue!  However, I still don't see where MTH in the latest version of the Download Instructions (March 26, 2013), makes any reference to removing previous versions.  Lesson learned: Check Barry's book first, then the OGR forum.


The second issue I had was with the Com Port.  And I don't believe that is a MTH or Barry problem either.  The TIU I have is Rev G or K, I believe.  It does not have the USB port, so have to do the Serial to USB conversion.  My concern after thinking about it overnight that the receiving connector in the TIU may be loose and not maintaining connection.  (After I use the Option to search for the Com Connection, and the Downloader finds it.  Then I click on the Remote Options and follow the sequence exactly.  It tells me to hold down the Remote Power button, and immediately tells me to Release it, then hold it down again and press OK.  Then same error message to release it.  Over and over and over.  So I am convinced it is loosing the Com connection.  And it must be a connection issue.) Therefore, I think it is either a cable problem or the connector in the TIU may be loose.  I DON'T relish the thought of removing it and disassembling the unit to check if the connector is tight.  (Probably should though wouldn't want any loose hardware to start floating around internally.)  But think I should get a short Serial Cable and connect to the TIU, and move the connection point away from the unit for ease of access and eliminate connecting/disconnecting AT the TIU.  Also invest in one of the "dangle" type Serial/USB adapters.


Lots and Lots of frustration, but I know it will be worth it when I finally get the remotes upgraded.


It tells me to hold down the Remote Power button, and immediately tells me to Release it, then hold it down again and press OK.  Then same error message to release it.  Over and over and over.  So I am convinced it is loosing the Com connection.


Therefore, I think it is either a cable problem or the connector in the TIU may be loose. 

It's most likely one of the following:

  • A non-compliant cabe (not 4-conductor or otherwise defective), a bent or shorted point inside the port on the TIU or the remote, or a stuck button on the remote.

You also know that the remote must be turned off during the entire process, correct?

I had a lot of problems with the "not finding the port" issue until I loaded everything onto an old OLD IBM Thinkpad with WIN98 and one serial port.  Then it worked every time.
Originally Posted by Don(Cerritos):

I appreciate the comments, and want to provide a little clarification.  Especially since its a NEW day.


I agree it is not the responsibility of MTH or Barry, to provide support or instructions on correct usage of any OS.  However, maybe just me but, I'm surprised that there wasn't any mention in the upgrade instructions about removing previous versions.  I did NOT check the DCS Companion which is dumb.  I may have looked at the Table of Contents for something but didn't see it.  Somehow over night it seems to have been added though!  TOC even says pg 131, go figure!  AND on page 135 I find the statement, "Before installing a newer version of the DCS Loader Program, any older versions of the program should first be deleted."  Can't be more specific than that!

So I certainly own that issue!  However, I still don't see where MTH in the latest version of the Download Instructions (March 26, 2013), makes any reference to removing previous versions.  Lesson learned: Check Barry's book first, then the OGR forum.


The second issue I had was with the Com Port.  And I don't believe that is a MTH or Barry problem either.  The TIU I have is Rev G or K, I believe.  It does not have the USB port, so have to do the Serial to USB conversion.  My concern after thinking about it overnight that the receiving connector in the TIU may be loose and not maintaining connection.  (After I use the Option to search for the Com Connection, and the Downloader finds it.  Then I click on the Remote Options and follow the sequence exactly.  It tells me to hold down the Remote Power button, and immediately tells me to Release it, then hold it down again and press OK.  Then same error message to release it.  Over and over and over.  So I am convinced it is loosing the Com connection.  And it must be a connection issue.) Therefore, I think it is either a cable problem or the connector in the TIU may be loose.  I DON'T relish the thought of removing it and disassembling the unit to check if the connector is tight.  (Probably should though wouldn't want any loose hardware to start floating around internally.)  But think I should get a short Serial Cable and connect to the TIU, and move the connection point away from the unit for ease of access and eliminate connecting/disconnecting AT the TIU.  Also invest in one of the "dangle" type Serial/USB adapters.


Lots and Lots of frustration, but I know it will be worth it when I finally get the remotes upgraded.


Originally Posted by Barry Broskowitz:

Don,It's most likely one of the following:

  • A non-compliant cabe (not 4-conductor or otherwise defective), a bent or shorted point inside the port on the TIU or the remote, or a stuck button on the remote.

You also know that the remote must be turned off during the entire process, correct?



I have succeeded ! BOTH my remotes are now at 4.3 !! 


1st Problem-- I had forgot I had some spyware on the computer, turned it off and the first remote upgraded fine! 


2nd Problem-- Couldn't understand thought it would take right off like the first.  But, the second one was at 4.1, not at 4.2 like the other one.  That seemed strange why wouldn't I have done both?  After repeated attemps couldn't understand why.  Went back to the DCS Companion book and read the remote section OUTLOAD, so I would hear it!  A statement IN the book said to look at the pins on the cable AND the Remote Jack.  Guess what...... a pin in the jack was NOT in the proper position!  Moved it around a bit, retried it and it worked fine!


In summary my problems that took me from a 20 to 30 minute task, to 2.5 days are...

1.  Remove older versions in the computer, (not just the files, but the program).  AS IDENTIFIED IN THE DCS COMPANION !


2.  Make sure ALL other programs are OFF, (even those you forgot about).  AS IDENTIFIED IN THE MTH DOCUMENTATION AND THE DCS COMPANION !


3,  Ensure the connections are not damaged or distorted.  AS IDENTIFIED/ADVISED IN THE DCS COMPANION !


All these problems were cockpit driven, and I had the solutions right here in front of me.  Maybe my errors will save someone else some time and frustration.


Comment:  As most of us are on in years, and our train interests were initiated in our childhood by our Fathers.  I can't imagine my Dad trying to cope with the complexity of today's trains.  I am pretty sure mine would have ended up in the street or maybe the trash can, if he would have had to navigate through these waters.

Last edited by Don(Cerritos)

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