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After years of limiting myself to running trains under the Christmas tree I am now well along on building my first permanent layout. It measures 22x8 so I have started out in a big way. There are three connected loops of O/O27 with a single standard gauge loop going around the perimeter so that I can run my fathers old set. I am using both sides of the Z4000 wired through one TIU. For each gauge I have both PS2 and conventional locos. For the O/O27 I want to operate PS2 and conventional simultaneously on separate loops and thought from the wiring options described in the DCS handbook, that I needed to use the variable ports on the TIU. The problem is that I can't get any power to the tracks through the variable in and out ports even when using an MTH 1000 brick as an alternative power source. Being new to this technology, I have now illusions about my lack of knowledge in this area so I have paid close attention to the instructions in the DCS manual. Either I am missing something or there is something wrong with my TIU. Any advice on how to correctly set up my operating system will be appreciated.    


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Have you set up and assigned TIU Tracks to each of the Variable channels? Untyil you do so, you cannot use the variable channels for variable voltage.


If you have a copy of The DCS O Gauge Companion 2`nd Edition (you should!   ), refer to Part VII - Operating Conventional Engines on pages 126-130.


This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s “The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Ed W,

    Invest in both Barry's book and the OGR Video guide to DCS, do some reading and watch Rich on the OGR DCS Video guide.  Barry's instructions as to how to set up your DCS TIU are outstanding.  I also advise investing in the side receiver for your Z4K transformer, it opens up some TR Z4K additional control doors, for expanding your layout Conventional control. 

Have fun with your permanent layout!





I only have the manual that came with my DCS system. It sounds like you are saying that this manual does not tell me everything I need to know about variable channel set up and that your book provides what is missing. If so, I would be somewhat disappointed with MTH for providing insufficient information. What the basic manual says about track set up on page 60 only applies if more than one TIU is being used. I went through the steps on page 60 anyway and still got no power from variable out to the tracks. And as for Casey 10s question, yes the red LED inside the TIU is on when I attached a remote power source. So, power is going into the TIU from variable 1 in but nothing is coming out of variable 1 out.

Thank you gents for your input. Anything more will be most welcome.


Ed, for many years, the MTH manual was the only document available, and that was all many of us had.  It was adequate for us to get layouts up and running.  Barry then wrote the ultimate reference manual, getting into more details on all aspects of DCS.   I have never seen the video, so can't comment on it.


Just to verify, do you have the brick feeding into the AUX port on the TIU?  (as Casey noted above)


Have you set up tracks as Barry advised above?  This is covered in the basic manual; I don't have one so can't refer you to a page.


Does neither variable circuit work?


Might be worth trying a fixed channel.  You won't be able to control track voltage with the remote---use the Z4000 handle---but it would be a good test.


The "side receiver" to which Pine Creek refers is a great device, in effect rendering fixed channels powered by a Z4000 into variable channels.  However, (1) it is hard to find and (2) not a necessity unless you want to run conventional locos on 4 circuits using the remote to control them.

Last edited by RJR
Originally Posted by Ed W:
If so, I would be somewhat disappointed with MTH for providing insufficient information. ......
I agree... Barry's work is certainly appreciated for its detail, but MTH should have better documentation or provide Barry's book for all purchasers.  They have a good source for good documentation, and at the price you pay for a DCS system, the book should be included, IMHO.
yes the red LED inside the TIU is on when I attached a remote power source. So, power is going into the TIU from variable 1 in but nothing is coming out of variable 1 out.

Just to clarify.  You need to have a transformer connected to VARIABLE 1 INPUT as well as using FIXED 1 or the AUX POWER port to power the TIU.  If you provide power ONLY to AUX POWER IN, the red LED will light, but the VARIABLE 1 OUTPUT will not work.



Last edited by eddiem


I referred to page 91 of the manual when wiring for universal control. I tried both methods as described, one with a jumper from fixed in to variable in as well as using remote power and still got no power out to the tracks. I was able to power both my standard gauge loop and o gauge loops using fixed channels, that is until today. my standard gauge loco was half way through the PFA cycle and stopped performing through the remote. I could only get it to work conventionally from then on. With power being supplied to the standard loop from the right side throttle of the z4k, there was no long light from the LED inside the TIU. I could get the standard gauge to work through the remote again only if I applied power with the left throttle that I normally use for the o gauge loops. I think the Right side of the TIU is damaged because the LED no longer lights indicating no power going into from the right throttle of the Z4K. Is there a simple fix even if I have to open up the TIU?  

The LED in the TIU lights if (1) 12-18 volts is being applied through the AUX portOR (2) 12 or more volts is being applied to Fixed 1 (Fixed 2 does not suffice for this).  If both (1) & (2) above are satisfied, the AUX port will be powering the TIU.


If the led is off, the TIU is not turned on.

Last edited by RJR
Originally Posted by RJR:

The LED in the TIU lights if (1) 12-18 volts is being applied through the AUX portOR (2) 12 or more volts is being applied to Fixed 1 (Fixed 2 does not suffice for this).  If both (1) & (2) above are satisfied, the AUX port will be powering the TIU.


If the led is off, the TIU is not turned on.



I thought that I burned out the right side of my TIU. I mistaken thought that I could operate the standard gauge loop with only the right side Fixed port powering the TIU. Come to think of it, before I started the PFA sequence on the Standard loco, I shut down the o gauge I had been running and lowered the amps to the left side of the TIU not realizing that the left fixed port need to provide power to operate the right side. 

I do recommend using the power supply through AUX. If you were running a train on Fixed 2, and should happen to turn off power to Fixed 1, the train on Fixed 2 will continue running merrily, but without any control through the remote.


Many of us have old wall warts lying around (I always save them).  Either AC or DC will do, with at least 12 volts but no more than about 18.  500ma should be enough amps capacity if you don't have an AIU.

First, thank you guys for your suggestions but now I am ready to open up my TIU to see if anything just doesn't look right. I have tried assigning TIU track, setting up track voltage and DCS setup and still no power out of the variable channel.

I purchased my DCS system from a certified MTH repair man not far from where I live in Dutchess County NY and he had offered to help me with electrical issues before family issues caused him to shut down business for an indefinite period. I can make the best of it using just the fixed channels for now and hope my MTH guy starts working again or I find someone else nearby who can show me where I am neglecting something. I still may buy Barry's book but I can't help feeling that I should at least be able to get power out of the darn thing without it.

The TIU must have power for it to operate.  The only way TIU gets power is via aux port or using Fixed 1.  If neither of those are powered, and you are trying to run a train off FIXED 2, VAR 1 and 2 there will be power to the track from FIXED 2, but no DCS signal.  There will be NO power on VAR1 or VAR2 because the TIU doesn't have power and can not turn those Track voltages on.


May need a more accurate statement of the issue with all the details.  G

Yes, that is correct. If  after powering the TIU with an aux. source and wiring in and out of the variable channels, then clicking TRK then variable 1, should I then see power coming from variable out or is there something else I'm not doing that I have not tried? The remote is showing voltage to variable 1 but like I said , still no power. I have done this with the Z4K on and set to 18. ThanksEd

On Thursday, January 15, 2015 9:21 AM, O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum <> wrote:

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Just so I'm sure I have the facts of your problem straight  and am not confusing them with someone else's problem.  If you press the TRK button on the remote, you see the two variable tracks listed there and have scrolled up their voltage.  Correct?    View This Reply
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Originally Posted by Ed W:
Yes, that is correct. If  after powering the TIU with an aux. source and wiring in and out of the variable channels, then clicking TRK then variable 1, should I then see power coming from variable out or is there something else I'm not doing that I have not tried? Scroll the thumb wheel up to power up the track at this point. 


Last edited by Miken

Ed, I am really puzzled!  Do you have an AC voltmeter or an 18-volt test bulb?  If so put them across the input terminals and then the output terminals of the TIU and see if you get readings, with power applied and the voltage scrolled up using the TRK button and the thumbwheel.  Shove the probes into the terminals and make sure you're touching metal.


IS there a sticker on the bottom of the TIU with a Rev #?


If there is a Rev sticker, have you checked the internal fuses?

Last edited by RJR

Ed W,

   Remember when you are running thru the TR mode you must select which track you have programmed, then as GGG points out you must raise the voltage on that track by rolling the thumb wheel, if you don't it's like leaving the handles down on your ZW, you have directed no power to your tracks.  You must increase the voltage and use the direction button to start your engine in the FWD direction, unless you are running a Williams engine that starts in FWD.


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