Just bought a MTH 44 tonner, 20-20882 which BTW is nice but not worth the price.
First time on track when powered up got some garbled noises and a high pitched whine. Managed to add engine but sound issues continued. Talked with MTH and they said to do a factory reset. First try must not have worked because contrary to DCS manual engine was not deleted from remote/TIU. Another try and engine was gone. Tried to add again and DCS cannot find.
Engine sat quietly on track like it should before it is added.
So tried it on a conventional track I have and it worked at least as far as headlight, forward and basic engine sound.
Back to the DCS track and when powered up I get headlight and engine sound immediately. Tried to add in that state and DCS cannot find.
Do I have a bad loco or is just DCS being its usual unreliable self?