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I’ve read all three pages of this thread and I can honestly say I’ve experienced all of the issue with a few more.  I can feel your pain on this one.  I’ve given up on diesel lashup and have sold all my MTH diesels.  I’ll stick with my MTH steam for now.  No issue running them.

all I can say is good luck, hope these issues will get address as MTH makes great engines, well built with very little QC isssues from the factory.

 I thought it might be my old phone giving me issues so I tried my newer tablet. Here's the results so far this morning.

I pressed the add new engines icon as some weren't in the device. It added all six engines well. I built that same seven engine lash-up of mixed PS2 and PS3 engines. It ran well.

 I pressed the refresh and all the engines went to active. I pressed edit and the lash-up moved to active and the member engines went inactive.

again it ran well.

 So I purposely left the MTH app (closed it), and re-opened the MTH app. The engine lash-up was (or something else) there I think? in the top but said inactive.

everything else was left powered up and unchanged.

I pressed the refresh, all the engines went active. So I pressed the edit icon. The lash-up was in the listBUT  there was no way to make it active!

 So I am not impressed with something going wrong with the app so far. I can only guess that I have been missing issues as I always grab the remote first?

There have been smaller issues with that too.

using 3.1.0 build 49

DCS 6.1

Version L TIU with fixed channels #1&2

powered by Lionel 180w bricks and separate aux wall wart into tiu.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe
Barry Broskowitz posted:


The lash-up was in the list BUT  there was no way to make it active!

Some questions:

  • Were you using an Apple or Android tablet?
  • How did you try to access it?
  • Exactly what was preventing you from moving it to the Active List?
  • Did you get any error messages?

Android, by refreshing the app to read the engines and then edit to try and make the lash-up active

no errors and no edit button for it

I think I see the issue now. I did it all again and I only see six of the seven engines are active. It is not seeing my SD50 for some reason.

I will try the remote to see if it sees the SD50!

OK, so the remote doesn't see it either!

I pressed the engine name in the inactive list of the remote. It says "engine not on track"! Urrggg.

So it's parked on TIU L channel fixed 1 with 3 other engines attached. There are 3 more engines half way around the same loop on fixed #2.

So I press the read on the remote and it only finds 5 engines when the app saw 6?

I bring up the lead new PS3 SD70ACe. I press track signal test and it comes back 10 with the engine parked. I leave the test and the sound stays quiet (again) and I reset the engine sounds with the feature reset.

 So??? do I remove some engines to see if the controllers then find the ones missing? or unplug the wifi ( I know that should make no difference but I like to try stuff)

or move the lash-up around for signal (it's ten)?

or stand on my head flap my arms and pray?

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

 I uncoupled the SD50 on live track and slid it a couple of feet away from the other 3 lead engines. I pressed it's name on the remote's inactive screen and it said engine not on track. I grabbed the tablet and pressed refresh and it still did not see it.

 So I removed the nearest engine and did the above again. The remote still didn't see it but the tablet did. So I tried to run it but it wouldn't. I pressed start and nothing. So I tried to adjust the volume, nothing. I pressed shut down and then start again. Out of the blue a few seconds later it made some shut down sounds and then again became in-responsive. 

 I then tried unplugging the WIU and using only the remote for the rest.

 I repeatedly took another engine off ( not touching the SD50) until there was just one per TIU channel (2 total) and then the remote saw the engine. I pressed start and it started right up with sounds.

 I don't understand this yet as this engine is usually good and stable. No changes have been made to the layout or wiring. I have run more engines than this repeatedly in the past. Maybe something is breaking down now. Wiring?, electronics? I'm not sure yet.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

Yes. It runs fine.

I repeatedly took another engine off ( not touching the SD50) until there was just one per TIU channel (2 total) and then the remote saw the engine. I pressed start and it started right up with sounds.

For some reason it can't be found once power is cycled and it's in a large lash-up? It was found after removing other engines. This is the third consecutive PS2 engine to act up in this session trying to cycle power. They run fine the first build?

I'm now trying just PS3 engines for a test.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

All five PS3 engines ran fine and cycling power had no change.

Could it be that DCS has trouble with PS2 responding differently when mixed into a larger lash-up? I wanted to say app but the remote didn't see the engine either until others were removed.

I will keep testing. I swear it's a PS2 vs PS3 or some similar problem. Of course it may well be my equipment again. (always is)

I found something. It appears if the app times itself out, and then the refresh is done on my old phone I get just the engine numbers and no info. I would have guessed that was low signal? I also don't get any arrow next to the lash-up when I press edit.

 Here's the kicker. I let my tablet time out as well. When I refreshed that it worked normally.

...... so anything?



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  • DSC_0161


For some reason it can't be found once power is cycled

Did you check to see if the battery is low or dead?

the refresh is done on my old phone I get just the engine numbers and no info

Here's the kicker. I let my tablet time out as well. When I refreshed that it worked normally.

The problem could be the old phone and its version of Android, or just that the phone needs a reset.

Battery is full. I thought that about the first PS2 that acted up and it was charging on my bench even though it played shut down sounds. That was the #8 engine in the first lash-up test.

 This one didn't act up at first. That's why I'm thinking it's a reply problem when the large lash-ups are mixed.

 The all PS3 lash-up is working consistently. I made a video which I'll post later.

I have to believe there's a few things going on to confuse the issues. The phone loaded just numbers as shown above. It fixed itself and loaded back most of the engine info except for a few. One is a PS3 F40PH that happens to be in the middle of my consist. Just it's address is shown in the older phone's app?

 However the new all PS3 lash-up works correctly repeatedly cycling power and the recalling the lash-up with the app.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

So here's a test to show that my track and signal is good. These are all PS3 engines again X 6!

I have to believe that 6.1 doesn't like large mixed lash-ups of PS2 and PS3. Each time, it runs when built and then fails after power cycles. I don't think the engine is to blame.

 I don't know how to reset the phone? It struggles to refresh when the app times out. If I put the phone in stand-by (tap the power button), it works.

So an app vs phone issue and the above lash-up issue.

The volume issue the other day seems to stem from my first release PS3 CSX presidential having a lower volume sound set. When the whole lash-up is turned down, you can't hear that engine.

 Does the app have a FSV button?


I have to believe that 6.1 doesn't like large mixed lash-ups of PS2 and PS3. Each time, it runs when built and then fails after power cycles. I don't think the engine is to blame.

My experience is limited to 3 engine lashups, with mixed PS2 and PS3 engines. I have no difficulties in this regard either with the remote or the app.

I have the Samsung Tab E that runs better. It did not come back with blank engine info after refreshing.

 When I ran the large 7 to 8 engine lash-ups, even the remote stopped seeing the PS2 engines after power cycling. So I blamed DCS 6.1 as it seemed to skip the ps2 engine. Maybe it doesn't talk to it correctly about direction once the power is cycled?

 Something was odd as it ran around fine for the first session. I have had no troubles with 2 or 3 engines. It seemed like the signal the way the system did not see the engine until several others were removed. I don't have anything conclusive yet to pin it on.

 I think next I will build a large all PS2 lash-up and try cycling the power. If all members report, maybe that will start to narrow down the problem?

 It seems like mid engine PS2s are getting lost in larger lash-ups for me only, after power cycles? That's why I tried the all PS3 and cycled the power.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

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