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Just got my first MTH DCS system from a forumite - new old stock, i assume.

I was conventional on my MTH loop, so this is a huge step forward.

I have nothing complex - one continuous loop, about 17'x17' rectangular room shelf layout.

I'd categorize my power as bussbar, which I am gathering is less than desirable, but at this point, re-wiring is not an option.

In following other posts, I'm wondering if I should upgrade the firmware on the remote and tiu?

I don't have any ps-3 engines, nor am I planning on any in the immediate future, so does this buy me anything?

Do I risk anything by doing this?  How do I know what "version" I have, other than the TIU says "Rev. 13" and the remote indicates 3.10 at startup.

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Originally Posted by VADarthDad:
Just got my first MTH DCS system from a forumite - new old stock, i assume.
I was conventional on my MTH loop, so this is a huge step forward.
I have nothing complex - one continuous loop, about 17'x17' rectangular room shelf layout.

I'm pretty close to this--an 11x17 single-track loop around the living room. I call it the "test track"

I'd categorize my power as bussbar, which I am gathering is less than desirable, but at this point, re-wiring is not an option.

I used to have one power feed. But voltage losses at the opposite end led me to add a power feed there. DCS still runs, but often I'll hit the horn signal for two blasts, and the engine will do it twice. This is because the signal gets split and injected into the layout at two points that are very different distances to the track, resulting in two signals racing around the layout and arriving at the engine far enough apart to be interpreted by the loco as two separate button presses.

But introduce a center-rail gap between power feeds, and the issue is resolved. Only one signal gets to any particular block this way. That's easier than re-configuring your bus-wired scheme.

In following other posts, I'm wondering if I should upgrade the firmware on the remote and tiu?
I don't have any ps-3 engines, nor am I planning on any in the immediate future, so does this buy me anything?

If you do not have any Protosound 2 locos, then all you get is conventional operation with a remote control, and possibly some semi-automated triggering of Protosound 1 features (if you have any of those--you do mention having an MTH loop)

Do I risk anything by doing this?  How do I know what "version" I have, other than the TIU says "Rev. 13" and the remote indicates 3.10 at startup.

I'll defer to the DCS experts for that--it doesn't sound like you have any command-equipped locomotives yet, and most of the features brought to you with firmware upgrades seem to involve them. I know I've benefited from upgrading my equipment  to the latest firmware...but then again  I am running PS2 and PS3 locomotives.



Last edited by RailRide

It was a little hard to follow, but one thing with PS_2 operations is you need a good battery in the engine to save settings at shutdown.


The test is to apply power and start up an engine.  Than turn transformer off and listed to the shutdown sounds.  Does it play to completion or do sounds shut off abruptly.  If they shut off abruptly the battery needs to be recharged or replaced if too old.   G

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