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I have an MTH 30-20523-1 Christmas Es44ac that I can't get to respond to a record/playback session and was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on why.

The remote finds the engine and controls it without problem.  I get an (R) sign on the remote when recording; I press the stop and then save as session #1.  I press play and a (P) appears on the remote but nothing happens.

I have used this feature often on other MTH PS2 locomotives in past years without a problem.  I don't have quick access to get one of those from storage to test.  I have read over and over the manual and I don't think I've missed anything but this is my only PS3 type.  I read that the issue on the forum with the PS3 locomotives starting as soon as track voltage is added, which this one does, and apparently it's an MTH software glitch.

I'm hoping someone can offer a clue to why or what I can do before I make the effort to get one of my PS2 pieces from storage.



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Barry Broskowitz posted:


I'm assuming that part of the recorded session is that you're starting up the engine. I suggest that, as a workaround of sorts, that you power up and start up the engine first, before playing back the session.


Thank you for responding so quickly.  I did try it with the engine started; tried it with the engine starting as part of the session and tried it with the engine starting as soon as track voltage, shut it down, started it up and tried again.  Still nothing.

Funny, I was really hoping to hear from you that it was a glitch already being worked on or that I needed a secret code.

Do you think I should try resetting the TIU?




Barry Broskowitz posted:


Does any other part of the session play back correctly? For example, using a different engine, operating an accessory or throwing a switch track.

This is a Christmas layout and I went small this year and not operating any switches or accessories.  My other PS2 locos are at a storage facility and I don't have quick access to them.  

Looks like I'll need to go there and get an engine and test it.  I'll let you know what happens.

I appreciate your help.  Have a great day.

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