Hi. I need some help trying to figure out why I can't control the track voltage with the DCS remote. Last week I purchased a new TIU to replace my original from 2003 because it was giving me trouble reading Protosound 3 engines and I wanted to have a second one as a backup anyway. The new TIU worked fine for 3 days then I noticed as soon as I pushed the handle back on the Z4000 transformer to power up variable 1 track with 22 volts, the track became powered immediately instead of waiting for the track button on the DCS remote to be pushed and then power applied to the track using the thumbwheel on the DCS remote. I can run conventional engines like Williams and Protosound 1, but I have to bypass the DCS remote and use the handles on the Z4000 transformer. Also, when running these engines the horns blow continuously and cannot be stopped on both Williams engines and Protosound 1 engines. I thought it may just be a defective TIU. So on Tuesday I took the new TIU back to the train store and exchanged it for a new one. After 2 days the second new TIU is doing the same thing. I checked the DCS setup menu on the DCS remote to make sure variable 1 is on and was not changed to a fixed track mode. Variable 2 has the same problem. My outer loop is connected to variable 1 and my inner loop is connected to variable 2. I did not have this problem with my old TIU from 2003. I have Barry's book and cannot find any section that deals with a problem like this.
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How are you powering the TIU?
There is an option in the "system" menu I believe that allows you to set the VARIABLE channels to FIXED channels, if these get changed then the VARIABLE channels will function exactly like a fixed channel and you will not be able to regulate voltage
Actually, that's not true Matt. I run my variable channels in fixed mode, but as soon as you select a track and vary the voltage or use the TVZ key, the channel reverts to variable operation.
I am powering the TIU with a Z500 brick in the aux. power input.
John, I didnt know that. I rarely run my TIU's in Variable mode. I do on my carpet central test tracks but only on occasion and never run conventional on the layout. Thanks for that handy little tidbit of information
I use the variable channels in fixed mode most of the time, but when I need to run something conventional, it's as simple as picking the track and varying the voltage.
Make sure that you haven't set the starting voltage too high on the TIU Tracks.
It you set the var channel to fixed you're going to get full power on the track upon power up. Not great for engine that starts in forward.
Anyway back to the problem ... Yes why after a couple of days of working fine would it go south? I don't believe the remote will let you set the channels from fixed to var unless the tiu is turned on... Maybe try setting them up again....any other channels hooked up?
Thanks, Gregg. I believe the TIU was on when I was testing under the system menu and DCS setup menus from variable to fixed and vice versa. I will double check it again. I am using fixed 1 for my third loop and that works fine.
Thanks, Barry. I will check that.
Any chance power is finding it's way from fixed 1 loop to a var channel loop? Perhaps a center rail insulated joint let go? It does sound like the starting voltage may be set too high as Barry suggests but why would it work for a few days. good luck.