I haver a technical question the I am going to have trouble decribing but here goes.
I have a layout that runs both DCS and Legacy. I have one corner on my double main line that I lose DCS signal on. Now this area of the layout is about 25 feet long. So I have the double mainline, (2 tracks about 25 feet long) and off that 2 sidings one about 20 feet long and then off that one another one about 16 feet long. So that’s almost like 4 tracks. Each track is isolated and connected to the terminal strip.
So I am losing signal in the first 6 feet on the 2 main line sections. I have a Lionel 180W brick to the TIU and then to the terminal strip with majic bulbs at the TIU and the terminal strip. This system works well on the rest of the layout.
My thought is that I have enough power but not signal. So my thought is to cut the center rains on the 2 main line tracks and add another power feed. This is the question.
Do I need to add another power brick, TIU channel, and terminal strip or can I just add the new blocks to the original teriminal stip?