Barry, John and all the rest who have been very helpful with your suggestions. 
I received my new TIU Rev L and removed my Rev 13 so now I have 2 rev L's. I then upgraded the new TIU to version 4.3 so now both TIUs are version 4.3 and set them both to super mode. I also removed all the magic lights since they are no longer required with ver. L
Here is the wonderful news (don't want to jinx it) I tested some of my engines so far and I have to say that now since both are rev L's I am now getting the big 10 signal. I don't think I ever had such a good signal on my layout.
For all of you who are having DCS signal issues I highly recommend you replace your TIUs with all rev. L's. This may resolve your issues as it seemed to resolve mine. I was so happy I was screaming last night while my engines were running properly for once around the layout without any noticeable signal drops.
I will try to do some more testing over the weekend with my other engines.