I’ve just completed laying the tracks and power drops for a small subterranean stub-ended yard in which we plan to store locomotives that are not in use. The yard will provide storage for approximately 10 – 15 locomotives. The yard will not be visible as it sits underneath the cityscape, although it will be accessible if need be because it sits right next to the access hatch. I was hoping for suggestions/recommendations for two things I need to complete the yard:
(1) I plan on mounting some type of live action camera in the yard with a viewing monitor right on the control panel for accident-free maneuvering of locomotives into and out of the yard. The control panel is 15 -20 feet from the spot where the camera would be mounted. I’d like the ability to turn this set-up on/off as needed and not looking for anything complicated – just something low-tech, inexpensive and quick and easy to install. Would need both camera(s) and monitor that I can turn on/off with the touch of a button and all necessary wiring.
(2) I plan on putting some type of bumper at the terminal point of each yard track. Because we are using DCS (I have the Rev. L TIU), I think it might be wise to use a bumper type that has a little lightbulb in it? This would also illuminate the yard for the camera, so this would remove the need to wire separate lighting. I am using Atlas O track, so would appreciate suggestions on what bumper to use.
Thank you