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Is there any way to have the DCS TIU/Remote and a Remote Commander on the same track?  I've tried connecting the remote receiver inline before the TIU; power from brick -> RC receiver -> fixed input 1 of TIU -> track.  Hopefully that makes sense.  Can I just connect the RC receiver with an additional power supply to the track? i.e. have both the DCS remote and the remote commander connected to the track like they would be if they were connected to a track individually?  I have two ovals with a switch crossover between, I guess as a last resort I could insulate the two switches and connect the DCS remote to one oval and the remote commander to the other oval.  Has anyone tried this before?



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I would think not since the remote commander operates DCS units that are at the factory set of 0 for engine ID(think that is the number) while any time the full DCS units see and load a locomotive it changes the engine ID. I would think you would be in an endless loop of resets and adding DCS units and still not get them running like you would want.


You could try wiring the remote commander directly to the track so it is in passive mode and run a reset or non-loaded DCS unit but the minute that the DCS TIU sees the added locomotive you would have to reset and try again. Just does not seem worth it IMHO.


Is there any way to have the DCS TIU/Remote and a Remote Commander on the same track?



Just leave your present TIU as wired. Then, simply connect only the output side of there DCS Remote Commander receiver to the same track. Do not connect anything to the power side of the receiver. This is known as wiring the recover in Passive mode.


Now, you can use your DCS Remote to operate all of the engines which have been added to it while also using the DCS Remote Commander handheld to operate any other PS2 or PS3 engines that have been set or reset to Factory values.


This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s “The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Originally Posted by Pine Creek Railroad:

John & Barry,

   I started out with the full DCS unit long ago, why would I want a DCS Remote Commander to add to my full DCS?  Is there something I have missed about this DCS Remote Commander.


Nothing at all.  If you were to do this, you'd just have the DCS RC with it's little remote to run one locomotive, the rest could be run with the full DCS system.  I suppose there are some scenarios where this would be desirable, I suspect you and I don't have such a need.


Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:
[SNIP] I suppose there are some scenarios where this would be desirable, I suspect you and I don't have such a need.  [SNIP]

Though not addressed to me, I can provide input that might suit others in a situation similar to mine.


I have two MTH DCS trains on one track, and despite my best intentions, my 4-year-old grandson manages to cause at least 3 collisions per-weekend.


But, giving him control of the DCS Wireless Commander, and me having control of something more capable (I only have the DCS Commander, but I'm trying to stay on topic), the suggested scenario would allow a 4-year-old to feel the thrill of controlling his own train on your track, while you maintain (or rather "avoid") control of the other.


A "win-win" situation all around!!!


Yea, one can argue that a 4-year-old probably shouldn't have control of such expensive equipment, but if applied to everything in your life, they wouldn't be allowed to watch your TV, ride in your car, or enjoy the many luxuries you can offer him or her.


Live life often ends so short, with so many regrets.

Last edited by Dave_R

What the H*LL! Have you been watching me and my grandson!!!


Man, you people here must have spy-cam's installed in every engine!


Yea, John...even before he hit 4-years-old, he knew what "Emergency Stop" was...too funny. Luckily I'm only working with "Starter Set" engines, so only a couple of days of crying should something castastrophic happen (verus weeks or months).

Barry, Barry, Barry,


Do you really think I'm going to let your rather terse answer like that (to me, a novice an utter baffoon on how to hook such a thing up), suffice?


At this point, I consider us friends (and I suspect you would agree). But, could you please provide just a tad more hook-up detail? It's not in the book, and I don't want to blow out the Commander (admittedly not likely based on what you've written previously), but I don't want to blow out the Wireless (inexpensive) Commander either.


A tad of direction sir? {With all due respect.}


Off-topic: Did you know that I ordered your book on February 7, 2014...but the date inside the back cover says "07 February 2014". Dang! I'm surprised the ink is dry!!!

Last edited by Dave_R

Dave, Dave, Dave,

could you please provide just a tad more hook-up detail? It's not in the book

Of course it's in the book. Page 203:

Connecting the DCS Remote Commander Receiver in Passive Mode

The DCS Remote Commander Receiver may be connected to a layout in Passive mode of operation, in the same manner as may a TIU.


Under passive mode, the DCS Remote Commander Receiver obtains its power from the tracks and a power transformer power source may not be connected to the DCS Remote Commander Receiver's Power connector. This allows the operator to control a PS2 engine using the DCS Remote Commander Receiver while, at the same time, using the layout's existing transformer controls to operate conventional engines.


For a complete understanding of Passive mode of operation, refer to Part V - Advanced Features and Functions, 10. Passive TIU Mode of Operation earlier in this book. While reviewing that section, consider the DCS Remote Commander receiver to be the equivalent of a TIU channel.


Then, read more detail, including a diagram, on page 116:

10. Passive TIU Mode of Operation

In a typical DCS layout, TIUs are connected to the layout between the transformers that provide track power and the tracks themselves. Power flows from the transformers to the tracks through the TIUs. However, some operators have determined that it is not entirely necessary to have track power flow through the TIU. Using this connection method, track power transformers and TIUs are connected to the tracks independently of each other and transformer track power does not pass through the TIU. This connection method is called Passive TIU mode.

 DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition [Bookmarks Revised - 9-25-12)

 This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s “The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!


Images (1)
  • DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition (Bookmarks Revised -  9-25-12)

Barry, Barry, Barry,

Knock it off! I clearly said:

"...a novice and utter baffoon..."


Recipe for Crow:

- One serving of ignorant utterance

- Handy (18" away) of the answer (Barry's book)

- Impatience, with a tash of OCD

- Bring to boild and stir for several minutes


* Enjoy eating crow!*


 Thank you Barry and I'm sorry for wasing your time. Will copy/print your references above because though in the book, I'll follow the concept flow you've taken the time to express above.

Where do I PayPal my technical support fee to???

Last edited by Dave_R


   Now that you have Barry's book you might want to copy it into a 3 ring binder and use it track side as you build your layout, make notes in it as you build, for your own individual layout, Barry has been kind enough to let us do this in the past, just be careful these kind of track side DCS Companions, tend to walk off some how.  I will need to make another one for my next Christmas layout, the train monster got mine.


Barry you might want to consider selling your book in this format, bet it would be a big hit, and sell great for you.




Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

Jason, Barry,

  Thank you so much for posting these questions and answers!  I have the book but not the dcs system yet ( coming soon!)  This will greatly help me and my 8 year old, plus any friends that come to visit.  I have a remote commander and am considering a starter set later this year as well.  Having multiple control options without having to invest in lots of the complicated remotes should make things a blast for us!


Thanks Again.


Edit - and I can keep my "dumb phone"!  I was actually considering upgrading to a smart phone to take advantage of the coming smart phone app control option.

Last edited by jhz563


   Roger that, looks like I will just have to have Kikos make me another one,

with your permission that is.  My father use to say anything that sat in one place to long in my home, either got thrown out or washed, probably what really happend to my track side companion copy.  The circle 7 file probably got it, if I did the same thing to my better halfs Symphony Concert music I bet she would leave my train stuff alone, a little more.


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

When I get my first MTH DCS Engine I will blow each page up of the manual to 11 x 17 and then past them on all of the walls and ceiling!


This way I can let it all sink in.


I am hoping for an audio version so I can play it at night subliminally while I sleep, so I too will eventually be somewhat DCS Literate.


For now, I have my Remote on Order for use at the club, again do not have a DCS MTH Engine, but will someday and wanted to get at least the remote now and will learn on the club layout with help from Ben and Vinnie!


So for now, I will keep my digital copy loaded in my Kindle Fire and keep it with me in case I ever need it.


Barry, how many people buy your book that do not own any DCS equipment years before they actually make the plunge?


You may ask why would I do such a thing? (Purchased 2013/Dec)


I valued your knowledge, experience in this area and wanted to support you, regardless of how I feel about any delays in holding back updates.


Anyway, if I ever actually wall paper the train room with the manual I will make sure to send pictures to the fellow OGR Forumites. (I will make the pictures out of focus, so no one can get the info for free)




    If you want a decent video version, purchase the OGR Video guide to DCS, although not everything in Barry's book is on the Video, Rich & the OGR guys did a great job on the OGR DCS Video guide, it is well worth owning.  I have used mine so much that along with Barry's book little if anything is missing for building a DCS/TMCC layout.

One thing it does not cover is the Command Control FasTrack switches, they were not built at the time the Video was made, Rich does cover the wired type switches with the

DCS AIU however.  Now I want Rich and the OGR guys to make the OGR Video guide to the DCS & Legacy combination, and a stand alone OGR video guide to Legacy also.

I would purchase both!


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
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