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I have read Barry's book cover to cover and I understand that there should be only one DCS feed per block.  I also have read on the OGR Forum that it is advisable to power all three sides of Atlas (and others) switches and not count on the internal connections which are weak at best.  SO.  It seems we have a conflict here.  How do I wire all three sides of the switch and still keep only one connection to any given block.  Is it acceptable to isolate the switch and then feed it with 3 lines of DCS signal?


It seems that the two wiring philosophies are at conflict with each other.  Am I over engineering this issue.  I am just laying out track in my new 45x20 layout which will include over 40 Atlas switches so I do want to get this correct.


Any help you all can offer would be appreciated.


thanks for your help.



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You jumper the rails on the switch  where ever needed with short pieces of wire.  Don't think dcs but think of  getting the  engine through the switch without stalling. Once that's completed, back to dcs  and one set of feeders per block, the insulated center rail now comes into play depending  where you want your blocks.  


   train traveling from left to right          


Example.....___A____/Sw _____C_________


A.. could be one block.


B.... another


and C.. another with center rail  insulating  pins separating the diverging route)b) and the straight through route(c)


No insulating pin at the switch point end.


Or you could possibly make it all one block with no center rail insulating pins... depends on your layout


The main thing is to get the engine over the switch without stalling whether running dcs or conventional.




   No offense, with 40 Atlas Switches you must be a masochist, as Greg has pointed out its not just the DCS, its getting the switches to function properly all the time so

your trains will run thru them on a slow speed repetative basis, that will be your problem, the DCS when wired correctly will not be your problem.  May God help you.  Let me know the visiting hours so we can come visits you, in what ever institution you choose.



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