I recently purchased a small Lionel 32923 transformer to be used for testing. I have a reconditioned ZW to power 3 separate tracks, and my original 1033 to power my accessories. I’d like to replace the 1033. What newer transformer would be a good choice? I researched this and truly got confused with powerhouse and powermaster items. I don’t need a remote controlled transformer although I do have a good Cab1-L/Base1-L system. I like the 32923 because of its size and simplicity but I don’t think it has the oomph to power all my accessories. While I have about 10 accessories total, they are all not running at the same time. Does the 32923 have a big brother?
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I have been using a “Z” Transformer for years. That way U can set each of the 4 Outputs to the desired voltage to match accessory requirements!
PS….i also have a Brand New one in the Box for Backup!! LOL
Like Fredstrains - I also use a Z to power my accessories. Can adjust voltage to each group of accessories.
I use a older 'V' for all of my many accessories (mostly lighting though). It too has 4 separate outputs.
- walt
The 32923 has just the one variable tap and only a 30 watt output... why not just stay with the 65-70 watts output of the 1033? Additionally, you get 2 fixed voltage outputs and a variable, referenced to the common "A" post. Much more versatile.
Thanks for the replies, I appreciate them. I like the 32923 for its small size and simplicity. Again, it's only used to power my test track on my workbench, nothing on the layout. Yep, it's small, but I was hoping it had a bigger brother.
Lionel CW-80’s. I’ve used two of them for accessories for years now. Both have provided reliable service and generally are easy to find.
Thanks. Actually I discovered them about 30 minutes ago (I really am not up on that stuff). I may be making a purchase later today.
@texgeekboy posted:... it's small, but I was hoping it had a bigger brother.
Check out the Lionel PowerStation. I have a couple of these.
I use an assortment of small transformers. Some small (60 - 75 watt) transformers and some CW-80s. I've got enough small transformers to dedicate one per accessory (sawmill, newsstand, log loader, et. al.).
Thanks. That is exactly what I was looking for!
I have a reconditioned ZW and 1033 right now on my layout, and will be adding the one Rob suggested. I don’t think I can do 1 per accessory though due to size constraints. One thing I do to lessen power needs is to convert all lighting to LEDs.
I purchased a used MTH Z1000 for this purpose.