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This is a new thread showing the steps in detailing a set of Lionel New York Central "Southwestern Limited" passenger cars with Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People that I painted. The first car will be the 2127330 StationSounds Dining Car.

StationSounds NYC Southwestern Limited Dining Car

The first step in painting the interior of the Dining car is to add 1/4" white plastruct pieces to the back of the floor cubes that act is seats in the 36-seat Dining Car.  I built a jig to help cut the 1/4" pre-painted strips into seat backs.  Having pre-painted the plastic with Tamiya acrylic tan  (75% flat white & 20% Earth and 5% red) I glued the seat backs to the floor cubes. 

Placing people in the Dining car requires grinding of the figure's bottoms and often hands, purses or legs that may not fit between the chair and the bottom of the table.  Having detailed over 220 O-gauge Atlas O and Lionel 21" passenger cars, I now know what each figure requires to place it at a table or side couch.  When the figures are glued in place with Krazy Glue, I retouch any flaws that occurred during installation of the Preiser 65602 figures.  Be sure to allow an hour or more for fumes from the glue to dissipate.  Strong fumes can frost the window glass of a passenger car.  (I learned this detailing 120 Walthers HO passenger cars before my eyesight limited my work.

Here are some pictures of the NYC Southwestern Limited Dining Car before the body shell was re-installed.

This thread will develop more slowly than the 20th Century Limited thread because of new work commitments.  Staying up late into the night is no longer possible.

Sincerely, John Rowlen




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Lionel 2027780 New York Central VistaVision  Dome, "Hudson Vista"

Though not part of the Lionel New York Central "Southwestern Limited", this car runs with my set of passenger cars that I am detailing in this thread.  Along with the Dome Camera car, I have added a two-pack of baggage cars in matching paint.  The VistaVision Car has been sitting in my kitchen waiting to be completed with more Preiser 65602 Seated People that I needed to paint.  The Dome area had been done a couple months ago.

Here are some pictures of the work on the New York Central VistaVision Dome, "Hudson Vista".

Have a good evening.  Sincerely John Rowlen





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  • IMG_5623: VistaVision Camera in Front of Dome.

January 31, 2024 ... I took a break from listing some items on Ebay to paint the interior of the Lionel "Empire Builder" VistaVision Camera Dome Car that just arrived.  Painting was enjoyable and relaxing.  My cold and watery eyes made it more of a challenge than normal.  Since I just finished the NYC VistaVision Car, it made sense to start this car.  There is the camera cable that makes detailing these VistaVision cars more challenging. 

Have a good evening.

Sincerely, John Rowlen




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Started putting Preiser 65602 Seated People I painted into a Lionel Empire State Express "Franklin D. Roosevelt" Observation to run at the end of my "Southwest Limited".  I put eighteen people in so far.  The car is half done.  I like the looks of passenger trains with Observation cars.

Here are a few pictures of the front half of the car.

Have a good evening.

Sincerely, John Rowlen




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Friday, February 16, 2024 ... I finally finished installing more Preiser 65602 Seated People I painted in the rear of the Lionel Empire State Express "Franklin D. Roosevelt" Observation that I will run at the end of my NYC Southwestern Limited.

I also added two figures that Preiser painted: a waiter and a conductor.  The Conductor has been cut shorter by 3/8" out of the lower leg.  The Waiter has 3/8' off the legs.  If 1/48 standing figures are not trimmed shorter their heads will be up against the LED light bar.

Happy Friday. Enjoy your weekend.

Sincerely, John Rowlen




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Coach Joe,  Good eyes!  The feet are from the Waiter whose shoes were cut almost off the leg and glued to the floor.

When I cut the shoes of the Conductor they went flying across my kitchen into places unknown. (Could I find it in my dinner?)  In order to save the situation, I glued the too short Conductor on top of the Waiter's shoes.  (Talk about "walking in another man's shoes")  The shoes elevated the Conductor just enough to look respectable.  The Waiter was then moved behind the bar to hide the lack of shoes.  (It was a successful "Feet" of engineering.)

Have a good weekend.

Sincerely, John Rowlen



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February 20, 2025 ... It has been a while since I have posted to this NYC Southwestern Limited passenger thread.  In that time, I have completed a Great Northern Empire Express passenger set, CSX Business train, and Rio Grande Ski Train.

Here are some pictures taken back then, but not added to this thread.  The pictures are through the windows of the NYC Empire Express Observation I plan to run at the end of the Southwestern Limited.

Have a good evening, Sincerely, John Rowlen

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February 20, 2025 ...  Along with painting interior details and the people I add to my cars., I sometimes have to modify the floor interiors to align wall edges, so they do not show through the car windows.  The Imperial Jewel Pullman needed the floor pieces shifted about 3/16 of an inch in order to move the wall edges out of the window view.

The first two pictures show the wall edges visible through the windows.  The next three show the corrected interior as seen through the windows.

There is a brief video explaining what was done to correct the interior.

Have a good evening.  Sincerely, John Rowlen

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February 20, 2025 ...  Along with the Southwestern Limited Combine Lounge Car there are three possible Baggage cars, a two-pack of NYC matching Baggage Cars and a Station Sounds Baggage.  Here are some pictures of the work I did painting the interiors.  I used my four-color wet blend technique to create the wood floors in the baggage areas.

I wet blend Cream, Yellow, Buff and Red Brown Tamiya Flat acrylic paint with a 1/4' Flat paint brush pulling the brush straight across the baggage floor, blending the four colors so no color is distinctly visible.

The baggage and baggage handlers are made by Woodland Scenics in O scale.  The seated people are Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People that I painted.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

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February 20, 2025 ...  Another Pullman is the Cascade Elf that had seven seats missing from the Floor mold.  I cut out seats from a Coach car and installed them where I felt they should logically go.  I have installed seats on all of the passenger cars with this floor configuration.  I still need to add people to these New York Central Southwest Limited cars.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

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February 20, 2025 ... I mentioned some of the passenger trains I detailed between the start of this thread and today. The list includes the Lionel Rio Grande Ski Train, CSX Business Train, Amtrak III passenger set with Dome Camera Car, the 20th Century Limited.

When I needed to paint more people, I set this passenger set aside and painted interiors of other passenger sets.  It is easier to mix paint for the interiors and paint them than to paint and install the seated people in the cars.  I use what I call "Productive Laziness" to make forward progress on finishing these cars.

Notice the Snack Bar I built in the Rio Grande Ski Train "Winter Park passenger car with a coach interior. The children come in the Woodland Scenics "Bicycle Buddies figure package along with bicycles and pop machine.  The man behind the counter is in the "Depot" package.

Here is a quick video of the Ski train cars behind my Lionel PA set that I found while looking for pictures of my Southwest Limit passenger cars.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

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