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I recently bought:

2433590 - Baltimore & Ohio LEGACY E6 AB Set (57A, 57B)

2433599 - Baltimore & Ohio SuperBass E6B #58B

I have successfully programed the "A" unit (57A) and the SuperBass (58B) but for the life of me can't get the "B" unit (57B) programed.

Nothing happens in programming mode after setting an id and pressing SET. I have tried this several times using the CAB-2 remote as well as the CAB-3 app.


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So the first question is, does the unit respond to commands using ID 1?  ID 1 is what is programmed at the factory.  If that works, it could be that the program run switch is defective.  I had the same issue with a Legacy S1.  I found the switch was bad.  I replaced the switch and then I could program it.

Another possibility is that the program run switch was connected backwards.  You could try setting the id with the switch in the run position.

@Ali Maleki posted:

I recently bought:

2433590 - Baltimore & Ohio LEGACY E6 AB Set (57A, 57B)

2433599 - Baltimore & Ohio SuperBass E6B #58B

I have successfully programed the "A" unit (57A) and the SuperBass (58B) but for the life of me can't get the "B" unit (57B) programed.

Nothing happens in programming mode after setting an id and pressing SET. I have tried this several times using the CAB-2 remote as well as the CAB-3 app.


What happens when you return it to "RUN"?  Do the lights, smoke, and couplers? respond  There is no sound or motors in the B Unit so you really have to pay attention to the headlight to see if it flickers when programming.

Sorry if this seems basic but from you post I can't tell if you were looking for a response while programming or if it just isn't programming.

Last edited by MartyE

Here is some more information based on your questions:

  • According to Lionel: "Both units powered with lights and smoke".
  • "RailSounds in lead A unit" - Good catch Marty; no sound in Unit B.
  • It doesn't respond to ID 1 but with ID 99 I can drive both units at the same time (B unit IS motorized; running on parallel track) with smoke being produced by both units.
  • I haven't been able to identify any working lights on the B unit
  • Tried programming in Run mode; no change
  • Cab-3 app roster doesn't list the B unit (doesn't list SuperBass E6B either).


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