Here is a bit of ours over time.
That should do.
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Mine is under construction after a few false starts. So while the bench work isnt quite done yet, here is a collection photo on the part that is atleast far enough along that I will lay some track on it soon. Mike
I am going to go ahead and add some pictures of my layout. I don't work on mine very often. I usually end up just running trains on it instead of doing anything else. Since the only time I really get to work on it is after my five year old goes to bed, and then I usually only work on it on the weekend after my wife goes to bed. I call is a semi-permanent layout, I am fairly certain I will be having to tear it down in a few years when we are able to get some work done on the house we own.
Trumptrain, I really like your pictures of your colorful and neat layout...It's bustling with activity and everyone's having fun....Amazing! Thank You...
tcochran posted:I am going to go ahead and add some pictures of my layout. I don't work on mine very often. I usually end up just running trains on it instead of doing anything else. Since the only time I really get to work on it is after my five year old goes to bed, and then I usually only work on it on the weekend after my wife goes to bed. I call is a semi-permanent layout, I am fairly certain I will be having to tear it down in a few years when we are able to get some work done on the house we own.
Since the only time I really get to work on it is after my five year old goes to bed, and then I usually only work on it on the weekend after my wife goes to bed. Boy I know that feeling well. 3 kids all school age and yes it doesn't get any better as they get older( Music lessons, Band, and other after school activities, nd other life issues) , . Some work while they were in school but mostly at night after everybody went to bed. Have a huge backlog of Kadee conversions now as lately all I want to do is sleep. Layout looks good try to post some more pics to see what you have.
Luvindemtrains mentioned (and thank you, sir, for your approval of my layout) his having bare plywood. My intention in suggesting participation on this thread was to encourage and invite a sharing of ideas and accomplishments that benefit us all by seeing what we have had and may still have, or have begun. Exposed plywood is part of the fun and accomplishment (see middle photo above).
The thread inviting "what did you do on your layout today" is popular because it has us all sharing what we have worked at presently. However, some of us no longer do work on a layout, aside from maintenance or operating, or have had one we don't change but enjoy just the same.
Sometimes, a layout is simply enjoyable to look at, realizing, "Hey, that's all mine!" Enjoy what you have. Or had. Then, come tell us about it here, if you please.
All of the layouts shown along this thread so far, are amazing in their diversity of creativity and enjoyment of our hobby. Clearly, a lot of guys are having a whole lot of fun. One of the many fine examples of loads of fun would be seeing Barry's layout, which was a particular surprise for me because I had never realized he had one. (May we see more, Barry?)
Shown here is, however, a place on my layout I did change not-too-long-ago, which was mentioned in a Run of OGR. As our editor pointed out, I wanted to open up the view from the aisle into the RR service yard, so I changed plenty of what was around it. "What was" is shown in the top two photos; then, you can see the same area stripped. Next, comes how it is nowadays.
FrankM, Moon Township
suzukovich posted:Layout looks good try to post some more pics to see what you have.
I will at some point, working on my other hobby is taking priority right know, Only really thing I recently did is finish wiring up all my switches. As well has drilled out holes for all my signals from custom signals.
hello Barry, can you post some more pictures of your engine area, transfer table views,
thank you, brian
luvindemtrains posted:Moonson posted:I have often wondered who, and how many voices active on this forum,have, or have had, or are planning to have, or are in the process of constructing, an actual layout.
Several of us have been active on the "What did you do on your layout today" thread, and that is surely a good thing. But overall, given all the voices participating on OGR, I wonder who is active in that way in our hobby.
FrankM, Moon Township, USA
Hi FrankM,
Your layout is outstanding! Do you have a YouTube page? Also, I do have a layout but most of the layouts I see on here are nearly complete. Mines is just in the beginning stages of scenery. Many parts still are showing bare plywood
Thank you, Luvindemtrains.
Let me encourage you to post when you have anything to share, even the empty plywood platform. All of us, if I may say so, like seeing layouts, even when they are simple plywood with all the details still in the hobbyist's imagination. It would be fun for us to see, along with you, how layouts have been, are, or are becoming.
These shots, here , show you one particular neighborhood in my layout, named "V-valley," that changed distinctly several times...
hello Barry again, thank you for your time and photo's, engine area looks great, really like you transfer table, i want to start on one for my layout, can't wait to get started, brian
leapinlarry posted:There are some really nice layouts pictured above on this new thread....Ricko has a really nice layout and Sam.s picture of the War Bonnet Silver passenger train is beautiful...Many clever fun to run layouts....Thanks for posting these magnificent 3D moving pieces of Creative, Imagineered Art, full of thoughts of the Real Trains running right in front of you.....Fantastic....This is a Fun Hobby....
I've heard of "Man Caves", but that is a Man Palace." You have treated yourself to many treasures and a whole lot of creative play. Good for you, LeapinLarry!
pennsynut posted:I have a layout, still working on it, "not quite a complete redo" thread. Spring is here, summer is closer than you think, and I have lots of chores, traveling and fishing and sailing to do. So, I will rerail in the fall.
Old photo before start of redo.
Another part before redo.
One part of the redo, mid way in the process. Kind of.
Would you like to share the latest views, Pennsynut, or is it too soon to ask ?
leapinlarry posted:Trumptrain, I really like your pictures of your colorful and neat layout...It's bustling with activity and everyone's having fun....Amazing! Thank You...
Just seeing your post tonight. Thanks so very much for your very kind words about my layout! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos! FYI - I'm actually color blind so I don't see the world the way non- color blind folks do ... good to know you think my layout is colorful
Moonson posted:
Luvindemtrains mentioned (and thank you, sir, for your approval of my layout) his having bare plywood. My intention in suggesting participation on this thread was to encourage and invite a sharing of ideas and accomplishments that benefit us all by seeing what we have had and may still have, or have begun. Exposed plywood is part of the fun and accomplishment (see middle photo above).
The thread inviting "what did you do on your layout today" is popular because it has us all sharing what we have worked at presently. However, some of us no longer do work on a layout, aside from maintenance or operating, or have had one we don't change but enjoy just the same.
Sometimes, a layout is simply enjoyable to look at, realizing, "Hey, that's all mine!" Enjoy what you have. Or had. Then, come tell us about it here, if you please.
All of the layouts shown along this thread so far, are amazing in their diversity of creativity and enjoyment of our hobby. Clearly, a lot of guys are having a whole lot of fun. One of the many fine examples of loads of fun would be seeing Barry's layout, which was a particular surprise for me because I had never realized he had one. (May we see more, Barry?)
Shown here is, however, a place on my layout I did change not-too-long-ago, which was mentioned in a Run of OGR. As our editor pointed out, I wanted to open up the view from the aisle into the RR service yard, so I changed plenty of what was around it. "What was" is shown in the top two photos; then, you can see the same area stripped. Next, comes how it is nowadays.
FrankM, Moon Township
Is it real or is it the work of Frank M.?? Absolutely stunning work as always Frank!!! AND as always, your work inspires me!!! THANKS!!!
This is my Xmas effort. Work still in progress. Learning alot from this forum. The tunnel and mountain system is off site right now undergoing a pretty major change. Ted
trumptrain posted:Moonson posted:Luvindemtrains mentioned (and thank you, sir, for voicing your approval of my layout) his having bare plywood. My intention in suggesting participation on this thread was to encourage and invite a sharing of ideas and accomplishments that benefit us all by seeing what we have had and may still have, or have begun.....
Shown here is, however, a place on my layout I did change not-too-long-ago, which was mentioned in a Run of OGR. As our editor pointed out, I wanted to open up the view from the aisle into the RR service yard, so I changed plenty of what was around it. "What was" is shown in the top two photos; then, you can see the same area stripped. Next, comes how it is nowadays.
FrankM, Moon Township
Is it real or is it the work of Frank M.?? Absolutely stunning work as always Frank!!! AND as always, your work inspires me!!! THANKS!!!
That's really a super nice thing to say. Thank You very, very much, Trumptrain.
Moonson posted:RickO, You stated this is a "work in progress." Is there any further updated shots you would like to share? This is a really good looking layout already!
Thank you for the nice compliment Frank! It means a lot coming from a scenery master such as yourself. As a beginner I find there's a lot that can be learned from viewing photos of your work and others.
I hope to make more "progress" when we get back into the heart of train season in a few months.
This was a nice gesture. A good way to bring this thread back to the forefront for anyone who might have missed it that has a layout to show.
Thanks again, and in the meantime I'll be looking forward to viewing other members work.
Texas Pete posted:
Thanks so much Pete!! I assume you are referring to the late great Maynard Ferguson? .... one of my trumpet heroes!
I think there are four rooms, a dozen lines, seven layouts; all of them "too small". But even with twice the space, that would still be the case; "not enough room". So I present my "lemonade"; starting with a track plan from my last carpet central, then progression by size HO, 0-19", 0-21, 0-27, 0-36, 4.5x9, 12x15 and some versions of each over time.
A close look reveals auto anti collision for " no hands" two train operation as one line, or as a seperate loop away from seating. Mostly 0-27 with some heavier O straights across footpaths to withstand some being walked on. Power was everything I had 2-1033s, and an 80w brick and grey controller(#? Its kinda a mystery to me). Later a family KW, then a Z, then an American Flyer 18b.
I drag too many projects to the bedroom and needed a place to stuff things. No better excuse for a small "test track" with a mine pit /storage area, lake (blue, partial- ¾ cover), and flippable lid with scenic grass or mud lot, that doubles as a tunnel too.
The 0-27 Christmas layout was originally "Mars". A Menards 0-36" track upgrade was needed for the Marx Moonbase
(the thinnest plastic you can imagine, few survived)
Ok...Up off the floor for the first time.
My plan? A PW Super O Gomez Addams copy...and I might yet, lol...but which of them? ("Facts" say there are two A.Fam. layouts. But I see at least three maybe four after looking close and counting track in video clips.)
My fallback was a natural evolution without a plan. I learned as a kid they never stop evolving. I.e., plans change anyhow so why not do what I feel, when I feel it?
A post war style painted on roads etc. is still about a year away. (2011?)
Scrap foam from the table top and a bucks worth of paint. Junk track, broken ho flat car, fudgescicle sticks, chopsticks, a metal knob (lamp base). I even reused balast off a trashed PW 4x8 bound for the trash.
Once the Moonbase was under construction, the launch pad was removed.
I like the general mood of the layout more this way.
Not finished at all on the backdrop; but I have decided to go with the more serious look (at the mine crane[same, but bigger!], mountains to the left? Ehh..Not quite right...they belong on the Ind.P.S. layout, lol. )
Finally, the one I'll never finish because reaching up hurts, the ceiling layout.
Luckily, it doesn't look too barren from the floor, lol. Two lines for 3 walls, and a shared main on one. One graded, the other with a passing siding, and three stub sidings.(cars used to fill the "blankness", but I like running them on the other layouts better. Besides, I rent out this room out so I only enter it to run these maybe once a week.)
It is also set up for counter clockwise anti collision, (I always just used various pw lionel pressure switches with 12v relays, and diodes/resistors). It works by dropping voltage to all of the track blocks nearest the station, just before the turnout to the shared main, till a train reaches the opposite side of the room and triggers a switch to full power again. The turnouts to the main are wired to work in sync so the main must be 100% clear. (A bypass switch and normal turnout controls are there too)
Two bridges. The girder panels are one bridge split. There are no matches against the wall.
I wasnt ever sure if I was making a loco shop, retaining wall, or tunnel with the wall, but the wall slides up for access. It is wood putty on masonite, pressed with a cake mold for bricks and slides between two solidly mounted portals. The trees are on a 3" "lid".
Directly over the DT&I switcher is a florescent lamp's ballast cover flipped and used as a bridge. It makes a wonderful, din and racket as a train passes over. In other rooms it sounds like the screetching and moaning of creeping boxcars, lol.
These shelves once held an extensive VW toy collection. The transition was inevitable really; the trains predate my rattle, lol.
See ↑↑ that mailbox? That tin bank may be my all time favorite unofficial accessory. I had about ten, in three or four styles as a kid.
Yep, got a layout
trumptrain posted:Texas Pete posted:Thanks so much Pete!! I assume you are referring to the late great Maynard Ferguson? .... one of my trumpet heroes!
That's the guy. I knew you'd get it!
ps - It's the lack of clutter really makes that photo happen.
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