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My first post as I just registered.


Always loved model trains and I finally have some room for a layout.


Being new to the hobby I'm trying to find out what is normal in regards to pricing (excluding limited/rare pieces)..


I'm only interested in MTH Railking and Premier disels at the moment as I already know a few that I would like to buy first.


Should I expect to pay the prices I see in the MTH catalogs or is it common to buy them at a lower price?


What is your rule when buying new trains 5%, 10%, 15%, list price?


Any extra info would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance!



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No, catalogue price is seldom charged. That's primarily a way to let dealers "give you a good deal" (maybe yes, maybe no). Price matters, but dependability matters more, to me.

Some dealers I've used over the years were "cheap" but unreliable per pre-orders. The old "great price - if it had ever shown up" problem.


But, most of that is in the past now, so far as I know. The sponsors here are a good place to start. Since no one else has mentioned names, I won't either, but, for new production items my main Lionel dealer is in the Atlanta area and my main MTH source (I buy fewer of their locomotives than the Lionel/Lionel compatible) is in Miami.


Just take it easy and enjoy; this stuff is all over the place. 

Last winter I bought several set break-up pieces from a couple of sources, including forum sponsor Grzyboski's Train Store.  Sets tend to be aimed at the starter market / gift market but sometimes's these nice basic models at a reasonable price are tempting.


Several dealers let us know when they are having a special sale.  Mario's Trains just had a Bachmann Clearance during Memorial Day and I got a very good deal.

Last edited by Bill Robb

I, like many, like a bargain. However, my go-to LHS has closed and the owners retired. There are others in the immediate area, however the one I go to I want to do my part to keep going. He is an MTH NASC, dealer, etc. I know his profit margin is slim so I've asked him, multiple times, to NOT give me discounts on smaller things. He has also threatened to not give discounts as well.... LOL!

Originally Posted by Passenger Train Collector:

Most dealers offer a discount to the suggested retail price. Having said that, it is always nice to take advantage of a good price, but establishing a long term relationship with a good dealer will serve you well in the future. Getting a discount to boot, all the better.

I agree with PTC here. He offers good suggestions, especially about the long term relationship. If you have a local train or hobby shop I would start there. The good relationship with a local business could save you more in the long term than any internet discounts you might get elsewhere by just shopping for price.


I am lucky to have a local train store that has O gauge trains. I try there first for almost everything. I visit just about weekly. If they don't have or can't get something, then I try to use one of the OGR forum sponsors. I have a couple of favorites there as well, but I get probably 90%-95% of my train items from my local train store. I know the owner pretty well now and they give me great service, help with problems and offer other advice when I need it. And it gives me a place to go and look at trains in person.


Good luck and I hope you enjoy the forum and the hobby.

Generally speaking I have found Ebay to be a pretty good source of equipment. The price is set by the market, and it is a great way to find out want something is worth. That said, there are a number of great brick and mortar dealers that help support this website, and I would say most of them are competitive with fairly good discounting.

My problem is I like post war Lionel, and smaller locomotives due to the space I have to operate in. So I have to go to Ebay, for the most part, to do my shopping.

Welcome to what I think (my thoughts are free and worth every penny) is"... the greatest hobby in the world." David Kalmbach said it in the 1930s and it is still true today. 

Its been a long long time since I have paid full retail for an engine or rolling stock.  There are some retailers which only sell at MSRP but they are a distinct minority.  You should have no problem finding a vendor offering product at a discount.  As has been recommended try almost any of our forum sponsors.

Welcome back to the Wonderful Hobby of Model Railroading.... For Brand New Trains, there are many large retailers advertised in OGR MAGAZINE. Also, OGR FORUM. The Buy and Sell Forum,and The Wanted To Buy Forum are Super Great Resources for aquiriing trains at a fair price. You must also remember, Your Local Hobby Shop Should be Your First Attempt as they might be able to Repair, Guide You in Operation, Wiring, Scenery,

and a Great a Help in setting up Your Very Own Layout. I would also look at Lionel Legacy Equipped Locomotives to.....Happy Railroading...

Just don't procrastinate like I always do.  The great stuff sells out and then you'll end up paying full retail or more when you finally track your item down.

...which is why I don't have a Lionel Ice Cold Express set.

Buy it when you first see it and compare pricing while there is lots of stock.

Depends on what I'm buying.


I pre-order and purchase Sunset/3rd Rail engines/passengers cars from Sunset/3rd Rail at MSRP.  Same thing, if I need a couple of Ross switches, I usually just order from Ross at MSRP.


Lionel, MTH, Atlas, or Weaver, I look for an on-line dealer at a discount.  Be informed that it is pretty common to pre-order new items at 10-20% discounts.



Last edited by jd-train

Starting a long term relationship with a local dealer gets my vote for all the reasons listed by others above. I'd also suggest selecting an online dealer of choice, just in case your local dealer doesn't carry something you want or sells out. Be sure to ask them both if they have a pre-order program for new items and what the terms are. Manufacturers may say they are going to make a certain item, but if there aren't enough of that item ordered by the dealers/ distributors, the manufacturer may choose not to produce it. 

Brian. welcome to our Forum.  I see you are in eastern Pennsylvania.  You should be able to fine ample local hobby shops (LHS) near to you.  As others have said, use the forum sponsors for good deals.  Don't shy away from seeking out your best deal.  You shouldn't have to pay full retail unless it is some very special, very sought-after piece.  


Have fun, and enjoy yourself.  this is the place to be for answers and information.  

Shop here on the forum. You will always be buying quality trains at very good prices. Since I first joined the forum I have purchased a few good used Lionel, Atlas and K Line engines, along with really nice rolling stock. No problems, and a good place to buy if you are just starting out in the hobby.

Good luck and have fun. 

Originally Posted by Hardware:



My first post as I just registered.


Always loved model trains and I finally have some room for a layout.


Being new to the hobby I'm trying to find out what is normal in regards to pricing (excluding limited/rare pieces)..


I'm only interested in MTH Railking and Premier disels at the moment as I already know a few that I would like to buy first.


Should I expect to pay the prices I see in the MTH catalogs or is it common to buy them at a lower price?


What is your rule when buying new trains 5%, 10%, 15%, list price?


Any extra info would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance!



I'm only interested in MTH Railking and Premier disels at the moment as I already know a few that I would like to buy first.


Premier won't be disappointed.Most of mine are 2 rail but started as 3 rail converted to 2 rail using the MTH wheel set conversions. Also the 3 rail premier have the remote couplers which can be commanded with your DCS. The scale premier 2rail(prototypical) uses scale non remote couplers that are purchased separately.Some of my engines are fixed/floating combinations so one scale coupler and one remote coupler at each end. I run lots of MU's.


@   beginning  east bound CSX BNSF 4 engine multi unit
    @  .55  west bound Guilford Pan Am  5 engine multi unit
    @ 1.54  east bound Guilford 2 unit switching track





Last edited by willygee

Hardware – All of my new motive power is MTH.  I’ve gotten about half of the new locos for roughly 10% discount on line and the other half I got at my LHS for about 3% off.  It’s tough to resist that 10% discount, but like many others, I want to support my LHS so that he’s there when I need parts, etc. right now.  Also, if you have any problems, I’ve found that it’s a lot easier dealing with your LHS that an on line dealer.  A nice feature of MTH is that you can go on their website and see everything your LHS has in stock (assuming they keep their inventory up to date).

I am a new member to OGR but have been collecting trains since early 2004, I started with an old steamer set purchased at a local garage sale, and added mainly modern ever since. We moved last June and I am finally building my layout, now the boxed stuff can be brought out of the closets.

Brian, as stated often here, find what you want, at the best price, but definitely find a LHS with repair capability, The best in this area, Roy's train World, closed and 2 generations of knowledge and repair know how went with it.



MY GOODNESS! Pay full retail......I Wish! Everything that I collect predates 1936. Just think about it....MSRP prewar prices.


Even the collectors fail to ask for price breaks, then the eastern Bayou pieces slip away.......whata shame                                                                                                

My LHS gives me a small discount on retail. Anything I can not buy through them, I look to forum sponsors next, who are usually very generous with the discounts. Anything past that is off to the 'bay. Never underestimate the value of having a good relationship with your LHS, if they deserve it. They may not be the cheapest price available, but they can be your best friend when you need something quick or obscure, or need something repaired.

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