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I've been watching Scott's listing of an ATSF Hudson for some time, but wondered why there was never a price nor tentative delivery date shown.  So I asked Scott at York and he said there has been little interest in that loco so it would probably not be made.  Naturally, that was the next engine I was hoping for.  Later I heard there were other inquiries about it at York, but it looks like unless more of us show an interest, it will not happen.  So, if you would like to buy one, please let Scott know.

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I would be interested in a Santa Fe-prototype 2-8-2 in two-rail.

They made this one already.   I have 2 of them.  It was fairly recent too.  Maybe year and 1/2 ago.


The only Mikado 3rd Rail has made in the last few years with Santa Fe markings is a model of the Mikados that Santa Fe bought from the Pennsy a few months before the end of WWII, which isn't a Santa Fe prototype.


Otherwise, 3rd Rail made Santa Fe 3700 Class 4-8-2's a closer to the time frame you are thinking, which is probably what you purchased.  You've been working on that layout too long, you need to get the engines out of the box.  


Last edited by marker

Well, I did my part....the double herald 3461 has been ordered.  But, based on conversations here and at York, I probably should not be very optimistic.  Are we 'pushing this car up the hill with a rope'?


So, we could continue the popular O3R mantra for another ATSF prototype....the 2-6-2 Prairie.  My preference would be the 1800 class.  There seems to be a sizable call for the 1050 class alternatively.  Whatever.  Happy, happy, happy.






Perhaps this has been covered elsewhere in the forum, but....


This moring I went to the 3rd Rail website.  The Santa Fe Hudson is gone!  There is a link on the home page, but it goes least for me.  Also, it doesn't appear on the reservation list anymore.


I know that MTH has put a bunch of their version of this engine out there.  I even have one...years ago, first issue.  However, the 3461 with the double herald on the tender was a priority for me.  I suppose MTH will, someday, do that with a change to the pad-printer.  But only Scott could be counted on to put fidelity in everything else about this ATSF icon.


If it's truly gone, today's cloudy, rainy, gray weather outside my window reflects my feelings on this loss perfectly.





Originally Posted by Steam Guy:
We need approximately 100 additional reservations for 3rd Rail to consider offering these models. So put the word out and let 3rd Rail know.


But, if it's not on the reservation list, how does one notify...with sincerity?  IOW, would a simple email to Scott cut it?.  I would think a bona fide reservation would be a better measure of commitment.


I think this one is in REAL trouble if we're 100 rez's short of a green light.




KD +


Note to der forumeister:  Need a graemlin with more pathos than

Last edited by dkdkrd

The normal minimum run for a brass steam locomotives from Sunset is 125 - more if reservations indicate it is worthwhile. I am rather certain Joe Hayter at Weaver is faced with the same constraint on production minimums.


For Sunset, a brass steam project does not reach the design phase until reservations get to the 75 +/- range.


Bob Delbridge - my condolences on your wife's leaving us.

Bob Heil

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