Can any TIU revision be upgraded to 5.0 for WIFI ??
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Thanks. I purchased several DCS sets and upgraded them all. The "L" revisions work fine but I have one that is Rev. 13-B that is a little older. It has the proto 2.0 logo on the back of the box but not on the actual TIU. The remote for this set works fine with the other "L" TIU's but the Rev.13-B TIU can't find an engine? The red light inside the TIU is working and the remote finds the TIU. Any suggestions?
-Should I try to reload the 5.0 software?
-Would trying to reload 5.0 cause more problems.
I called a dealer and was told the older TIU's can't be upgraded to 5.0 for wifi ?? I haven't heard this before and am trying to confirm if this is a fact?
I called a dealer and was told the older TIU's can't be upgraded to 5.0 for wifi ?? I haven't heard this before and am trying to confirm if this is a fact?
Absolutely not true. This wouldn't be the first dealer who has passed out wrong information.
Rev.13-B TIU can't find an engine? The red light inside the TIU is working and the remote finds the TIU. Any suggestions?
First, you really haven't provided enough information to make a diagnosis of what's going on.
Can the remote and this TIU find any other engine? If so, the TIU and remote are most likely not the problem. Rather, the engine is the problem.
In that case, attempt a Recover Engine command using a TIU that has a DCS ID# of "1", where this engine is on a short section of track, and is the only engine in a track connected to the TIU. If it's recovered, try adding it again.
If the remote and TIU cannot find any other engines, try adding the engine to a different remote and TIU.
I wouldn't reload the software. I think trouble shooting comes down to 2 parts.
The first is.... Are the remote and tiu communicating with each other, in this case yes, if not, nothing works period.
The second part is track signal... Is the tiu putting out a decent track signal? a small test track (one or 2 sections of track) makes it pretty easy. Test all channel keeping in mind the tiu needs a power supply to turn on. (power to fixed 1 always or an aux power supply)
I was able to add the same engine to two other separate DCS sets so it's not the engine.
The remote message says "No engine to add". I also checked the outputs to make sure it was in command setting.
I also tried a different engine and got the same message "No Engine to Add". The second engine added fine to the other systems and the track signal strength is 10
Lets go about this a different way.. Hook up your I3B and a test track... Place a know good engine on the track. power up the TIU .. Does the engine immediately start up with sounds and lights or stay dark & silent. If the tiu is working properly the engine should stay dark and silent.
There are no TIUs or remotes that are older than 2 of my TIUs and one of my remotes (other than pre-production models). They all run fine using 5.0 and wifi. Since Barry & Gregg are already working your issue, I need not go further
dark and silent
dark & silent is good. For the sake of this discussion I hope you're only powering up the I3B and the other tiu are dead. (or have a different tiu address) .
What remote are you using? one for everything?
Come on JRJ. .the more the better. I can't help with WIFI.
I'm using 2 separate systems. I shut down the remote and disconnect each set. The "L" set adds engines fine. Then when I switch over I get the "No Engine to Add" message on the remote,
OK... Power up the I3B and the remote and try the 'read" hopefully you get tiu #1 found no Aiu box connected.
Now reset the remote. (everything will be deleted except tiu #1) and this give you a clean slate to start over.
(menu/system/ remote set up/ reset remote)
Try adding again using fixed 1. If it doesn't add, try fixed 2 . keeping in mind the tiu need a power supply to function. (power to fixed 1 or an aux power supply)
You could even try the other remote with the I3B (providing it's also tiu #1) with the engine already added and see if the engine will start up .
ok I followed your suggested instructions and reset the remote, added aux power and tried fixed 1 in/out and fixed 2 in/out and each time I tried to add an engine got the same old "No Engine to Add".
Chris15 posted:ok I followed your suggested instructions and reset the remote, added aux power and tried fixed 1 in/out and fixed 2 in/out and each time I tried to add an engine got the same old "No Engine to Add".
That's too bad The dcs signal might be strong enough to keep the engine dark & silent but not strong enough to add an engine. I' ve had that happen.... Did you try the other remote with the engine already added with the I3B?
Gregg, too many cooks spoil the goulash, or something like that. Before getting into wifi, the TIU/remote combo has to be gotten to work
As Barry points out, there isn't enough details. Does this TIU locate any loco? Is the DCS signal turned on on each channel? Do all TIUs have different addresses?
There are no engines added to/through 13-b and I tried both remotes. I think I've tried almost everything I can think of combo wise. I am new to DCS and appreciate the help and suggestions I've gotten today from everyone. Thanks. I'm calling it a day/ night-brain freeze. Feel free to make more suggestions and I'll reply tomorrow. Thanks Again.
Chris, be sure that the DCS signal is turned on on all channels. From page 48/242 of Barry's book, 3rd ed: On the remote, go to "DCS Setup" in the System menu. Select the TIU. To turn the DCS signal on or off on any channel, select the channel with the thumbwheel and press softkey 1.
Be sure all TIUs have different addresses. To determine their address, coul=t the red light flashes whn TIU is powered up.
There is no WiFi hooked up. I'm testing the units to make sure they work beforehand, after 5.0 upgrades. Each unit is tested separately , the others seem to act fine adding engines,running etc. It's only the one 13-B unit that won't co-operate on any level other than it's remote finds it-it just won't find engines. Signal strength is 10.
No it finds no loco's.
Gregg suggested pressing READ to see if the remote finds the TIU. Did you do that?
If READ doesn't find the TIU, note which TIU the remote displays as "not found". Then, power off the TIU and power it back on while counting how many times the TIU's red LED blinks before coming on solid. If the two numbers are different, that's the problem.
If the two numbers are the same, try connecting the TIU's Remote Input port to the remote with a (curly) 4-conductor telephone handset cable, and try adding an engine again.
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Sorry for the long delay getting back to your suggestion.
-The remote says it finds the TIU but can't add engines. I tried the cord also and that didn't work.
-The TIU works fine with the other remotes so I think the problem is the remote. The only thing I can think of is trying to reload the software in the remote?
Would that cause any harm to the remote?
Do you have any other things to try not mentioned in previous posts?
I just made on new discovery "I Think" in my troubleshooting. I can now add engines to the "dead" remote through a different TIU that I couldn't do before and when I disconnect that TIU I added the engine from, and switch back to the other TIU they will work the engines? That's the good news. However I still cannot get the Remote and second TIU to add an engine? they work fine individually and together, but not together to add engines? any suggestions?
Let me see if I understand what you've just said. You can't add an engine to a remote when it's connected to one TIU but you can when it's connected to a different remote, and then the loco works with either TIU? If I understand correctly your situation, to me that means that there is something wrong with the first TIU, and the remote is fine. Have you tried the remote tethered to the first TIU to see if it will add a loco then?
With this recalcitrant TIU, if you with the remote access TIU setup and then TIU version, what software version does it say? If not 5.0, it didn't upgrade.
One other thought; do you know what version of software had been in this TIU? Reason I ask is that if it were version 2.#, after upgrading to 3.# or higher, the TIU has to be reset to clear out data that had been stored in the TIU under version 2.# but not in later versions.
Make sure that:
- All TIU numbers are in all remotes
- All TIUs are in Super TIU mode in all remotes
- All engines have the same DCS ID# in all remotes in which they are present.
If any of those are not in force, you could see the exact symptoms that you're describing.
Ok. I've tried everything suggested on this issue and nothing has worked-so far unfortunately. To make matters worse I bought another older DCS set, upgraded the software to 5.0 and have the same problem.
I hooked the new set up by itself on a test track and have the same issue with not being able to add an engine and the remote says it located the TIU and there were no active engines on the track?
Again I cross tested the remote with a different TIU and the engines add fine and then will run engines through the TIU it came with?
Just to recap. I had 4 separate DCS sets that I updated to version 5.0. 2 of them work fine. 2 do not-the problem is they won't add engines to their respective remotes. The engines can be added to the remotes through the other TIU's and will then operate engines through the TIU they came with??? Remenber I'm only using 1 remote and 1 TIU at a time. There is only one set connected to the track and nothing else. No other TIU's AIU'S etc.
RJR mentioned
"One other thought; do you know what version of software had been in this TIU? Reason I ask is that if it were version 2.#, after upgrading to 3.# or higher, the TIU has to be reset to clear out data that had been stored in the TIU under version 2.# but not in later versions."
I did try a TIU and remote reset and they both read version 5.0
Ok. here is what I learned to correct this problem. RJR and others suggested a TIU reset but here is what I didn't know.
When I did the TIU factory reset the remote still told me The TIU had version 5.0? When I did the factory reset a second time and tried to read it the remote said "OUT OF RF Range". I then assumed it truly had no software in it so I reinstalled 5.0 on the TIU only and BINGO! The remote now reads the engine through the TIU it came with. I did the same thing to the other set. Reset to factory default-still read version 5.0,-reset to factory default again and got the same "OUT OF RF Range" on the other remote.-Reinstalled the 5.0 to the TIU and BINGO again, that set now adds engines as well.
My only regret was not checking the current software versions in the units, when I got them so I could better identify what software versions have this quirk. Thanks for all the help gentlemen.