Originally Posted by OGR Webmaster:
It takes at least 45 minutes to execute a single photo runby. That is a LONG time to tie up a busy main line and bring it to a standstill.
There will be photo runs on this weekend's trips because they are not being run on Norfolk Southern tracks and we will be the only train on the railroad at the time. No freights to delay.
In today's litigious society, people are ready to sue at the drop of a hat. On one of our recent trips, one of our passengers fell while having lunch at a restaurant in the town where the train was laying over for a couple of hours. She sued the Fort Wayne RR Historical Society, owner and operator of the 765! The case will be dismissed, but FWRHS and the railroad involved still have to defend it, and that costs money.
It comes with the territory in today's society where anything bad that happens to me must be someone else's fault. 
I can't see how these people can even justify doing things like that? It is just ridiculous. If anyone was sued, shouldn't it have been the restaurant, a totally separate business?
My only time getting picked for jury duty was a case where there had been hail damage to a large apartment complex. The insurance company was from out of town. They hired a local adjuster to assess the damage so they didn't have to send their adjusters here to do it themselves. The damage came to a substantial amount. The insurance company thought the assessment was too high so they sued the adjuster wanting the difference between the actual claim and what they thought they should be paying. They never did an estimate of their own. Judge threw the case out right after the afternoon break and sent us home.
The whole time I was sitting there listening to the arguments from both sides I was thinking...these guys are suing the other guys for doing exactly what they asked them to do, provide them with a damage estimate? I never understood why there was even a lawsuit?
This was exactly as you said, if it is something excessively bad, it just has to be someone else's fault. No one is responsible for anything anymore, not even their own actions.