My wife's knee was bothering her this morning and asked me to retrieve the laundry from the dryer in the basement. As I cleaned the dryer filter, it was an all white wash, I thought this stuff would make great snow to put on the roof of a building. It was all matted together, a consistent thickness, and peeled off the filter in a flat sheet. Considering the WX here in WNC over the last few weeks, it would be seasonally correct.
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Just be careful as the lint from dryers can be very flammable.
My son used dryer lint in his fire starting kits when he was in scouts. One good spark from a flint, and it caught fire very quickly…
I second Tom's cautionary note, for the same reason! You would do better with polyester batting, as it's generally considered nonflammable.
@lehighline posted:I second Tom's cautionary note, for the same reason! You would do better with polyester batting, as it's generally considered nonflammable.
Polyester batting is very inexpensive too.
This is why train guys should not operate laundry equipment.
Yes, my sons did the Boy Scout stuff 27 years ago and they always took dryer lint in a ziploc bag. But in this case, don't worry, I'll make sure the Plasticville Fire Dept is on standby.