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I agree.  USMC #44 is a mean machine. True story. The cat used to go on the layout.  I pulled within firing range and set up the talk sequence.  'Fire!' Resulted in a direct broadside hit and the cat was off the layout in a heartbeat.  A bit later the cat ( his name was Bear) was sitting in a laundry basket watching the trains.  Really wasn't bothering anything.  Couldn't resist.  Another direct hit to the neck.  After that, all it took was 'Scanning for targets' and the cat was gone like flash, upstairs and under a bed or something.  Hardly ever went on the layout again.  A very effective weapon in the right hands.  Have fun.

Last edited by William 1


    David Merry Christmas and I know how important your Tin Plate Trains are to you, I have similar memories, very glad you got your uncles trains to run now at Christmas time.   Brought the original 263E, that my Grandfather purchased for my Father on his 1st birthday, up from my brother's home to run and take some pictures of again on my Christmas layout this year, as with yours, my trains are incredible memory makers, and part of our family tradition.

Happy New year Buddy!



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  • DSCN1629

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