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I wasnt smart enough to go to college, but I was born a Buckeye Been out west pretty much my whole life but my parents were born and raised Buckeyes too.

I use dullcote from the bottles, thinned 50/50 with laquer thinner and air brushed. Most good hobby shops sell it by the bottle. If you have to use a spray can, soak it in hot water first, it will spray better.

I've had compatibility problems with the Krylon Flat, occasionally. I still use it for

some "unimportant" projects, but I always test.


Dullcote has never let me down. It's expensive, but dependable. I use the cans.

You know, nice paint and decals on an $800.00 loco...who cares if the Dullcote

costs more than the Krylon?


Just don't spray a too-thick coat - it'll turn milky.

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