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Hi, I'm new to the hobby and loving the discovery of how much I don't know.

I've been reading up on repairing and maintenance of postwar locomotives. I've done one cleanup on a 2026 and have had trouble with the e-unit (it is complicated for me at this point). I was able to do the maintenance on the engine. So, my question is, is there a modern something or other that could be used to replace the e-unit?

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yes - and no...

the old mechanical e-units are very servicable, and repairable, and parts are available. and you can also find refurbished/rebuilt units on the interwebz for sale.  there are modern electronic e-units that will do the job - but some cost what your postwar choo-choo is worth and most do not seem to fit inside our postwar locomotives. there are some folks here that do things like add sound and/or remote control-ability - and they will chime in here in a day or three - and maybe they have done a postwar/modern-electronic upgrade. the ol' postwar locos that smoke are usually pretty cramped for space inside the shell. also, if you use the search above near the top right on the page, you'll find threads discussing and demonstrating e-unit cleaning/service

Last edited by woodsyT

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