I just received shipment today of one Williams scale 44 toner diesel loco. very nice looking unit, but as usual, I need to take the darn thing apart for modifications. Does anybody else have one of these units and have you successfully disassembled it? There are four screws on the underside and after loosening all of the hand grabs above deck, the hoods still will not budge. any help would be appreciated.
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Be VERY careful of the handrails, they are incredibly delicate. I've already had to glue one, and I think I'll be making new ones for it.
There are four tabs under the cab that need to be loosened to get the shell off.
Just pay attention to that first thread - link provided above. I took it apart without problems.
As gunrunnerjohn says, the handrails are very delicate. But they are also very flexible and will not break if you bend them gently to move them.
Somehow, I managed to break one anyway.
Thanks guys! I appreciate the help. I saw the tabs but didn't know what they connected to or disconnected from. I was going to do a drop cab GE but decided because of how the frame is built that it wouldn't be too easy. Lots of metal cutting. I will settle for new couplers and a paint scheme.